Secret Love(pt 1)

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Manga spoilers
((I recommend playing the song while reading so erm...please erm...enjoy...))

"When you hold me in the streets"

Giyuu was walking towards the cemetery. He went to visit his comrades, especially a certain butterfly...

"When you kiss me on the dance floor"

One by one, he placed a stalk of flower and bowed. His emotionless face still remained but deep down, he felt really sad.

Until, he reached a certain butterfly's grave. His eyes soften as he sat down.

"I wish that it could be like that"

"Kochou, how are you?" He gave a solemn smile.

Of all the pillars, he was closest to her, Kochou Shinobu.

"Why can't we be like that 'cause I'm yours"

"Of course you wouldn't reply... I'm so stupid... if you're wondering how's everyone... they are all fine..." He paused.

A small butterfly came fluttering towards his direction. He reached out his finger as it landed.

It was purple, so fragile and delicate yet so beautiful.

"We keep behind close doors"

"You know... your girls are finally having their own families, they came by often to pay us a visit. Your tsuguko is with Tanjiro. Your other girl, Aoi is with Inosuke. Nezuko is with Zenitsu. They are all finally leading happy lives." He pauses as he examines the butterfly.

"Everytime I see you I die a little more"

"Shinazugawa and Tengen are all fine. Tengen's wives have been feeding us a lot, I'm about to be blown." The butterfly flew towards his face and landed on his nose.

"Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls"

"I know... I've changed quite a fair bit, Kochou... I started to talk more but I'm still working on smiling. You remember the times you used to tease me that no one likes me? Well, more people are starting to like me. The creepy smile I did whenever I ate salmon dikon still happens but not that many times anymore. Heh... I still remembered the time we ate together."

"It'll never be enough"

"I know I sound weird for saying this but... I actually miss you, Kochou. Your teasing and all. I had so many things I wanted to tell you but yet you felt so far away. Whenever I have the chance, my mouth wouldn't open to speak. I didn't ignore you on purpose, I just didn't have the courage to talk. You were always in the spotlight. Everyone calls for you, they need you and there's me, always hiding in the shadows."

"Its obvious you're meant for me"

"Its such a pity that I only realised it after... after... y-you're no longer here. Kochou... I bet you must be laughing at me now... saying how you've never seen this side of me..."

"Every piece of you it just fits perfectly"

"To tell you the truth, Kochou. I always feel at ease whenever I'm with you. You being there just makes me feel so comforted. I kind of wished I had told you this sooner but... I always let chances slipped through my fingers."

"Every second every thought I'm in so deep"

"I really wished I got there sooner so you wouldn't be killed. I was quite at a distance that was near to where you were. If only I have taken down upper moon 3 faster, I would've saved you but I guess I was too weak, I ended up not getting to you faster."

"But I'll never show it on my face"

Giyuu started to shed a tear or two.

The butterfly fluttered around him and slowly onto his hand that has been on the ground.

He thought he was hallucinating when he saw the butterfly was carresing his hand with its leg.

It stayed there for some time.

"Girl we know this we got a love that is homeless"

"Kochou..." He started to cry. He felt a small pain inside him,a sense of regret washed over him.

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