Chapter 9: The School Festival Commences

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(Y/N walks into the Green Room.)

(Y/N): Hey, Itsuka? I heard you were in here. So I was hoping to ask-

(Y/N sees a girl "fight?")

(Y/N): I can sense the hostility from here

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(Y/N): I can sense the hostility from here...

Monoma: Trying to throw Kendo off her game?!

(Y/N): Why would I do that? I'm her-

Nejire: Oh, yeah! You're Kendo's boyfriend!

(Y/N's thoughts): Still don't know how she knows that.

(Y/N): Anyway, Itsuka, can I ask-

(Y/N notices what Itsuka is wearing.)

Itsuka: *blush* What is it?

(Y/N): You look great...

Itsuka: *blush* Thanks. You wanted to ask me some-

(Y/N suddenly walks right up to Itsuka & kisses her.)

Itsuka: *hard blush* (Y/N)!

(Y/N): What? I kiss you in front of people all the time.

Itsuka: Never in front of my classmates!

Tetsutetsu: Kirishima's right, you are the man!

Monoma: I think I'm going to hurl...

Awase: Uh...I don't think we've properly met, I'm Awase.

(Y/N): Oh! I know you! You helped Yaoyorozu during the camp attack. Thanks for that.

Awase: It was no problem.

Nejire: Aww! You two are so cute!

(Itsuka is currently burying her head into Y/N's chest.)

(Y/N): Should I have not done that?

Itsuka: [muffled] No.

(Y/N): I just had to kiss the most beautiful girl in the room.

Eyelashes Girl: You must be blind, because it's obviously me!

(Y/N): Who's the girl with the pound of makeup on her face?

Eyelashes Girl: Huh?!

(Y/N): I should be getting back anyway!

Itsuka: I thought you had to ask me something?

(Y/N): It's nothing. See ya the pageant, Itsuka! Love you!

Itsuka: He does know that I'm gonna be at Class 1A's performance, right?

(Midoriya finally arrives with a rope.)

(Y/N): Cutting it pretty close, Midoriya.

Midoriya: Yeah, sorry.

(Y/N): Ugh, I'm so nervous!

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