"Hey crybaby !" - Part one

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Carlos POV :
I walked through the lockers and opened mine's door . It was cold and wind was caressing my hair .
I was shaking of cold .. Or maybe it was because I was scared . I heard footsteps behind me and I fastly turned around ; I held my breath and stared at the crowded tumoltuos hallway . I sighed and turned my back on the hallway and put my books inside my locker . I was still shuddering at the thought of them .
Suddenly I heard her voice :" Hey crybaby !" I bit my lip nervously and turned around . Mal Bertha ; My worst enemy , My bully and my crush .. I mean she was really attractive with that green big eyes .
She grinned and wrinckled her nose .
" Mal ?" I said ... And I swallowed the rest of the sentence staring at her purple hair fallen over her shoulders shining under the hallway's fluorescent lamps' dim light .
She fixed her silver green eyes on me in a scary silence without saying anything . I could smell her piquant tangy perfume while she was standing there .
" Give me your homeworks ." Jay said standing beside her and I gasped because I found out I haven't noticed him being there because I was focused much on .. her .
" I ... I don't want to !!" I said as I was stuttering and trembling with fear . Jay has muscular arms and long brown hair . He was wearing a red beenie that day .
He stood infront of me and looked at me in the eyes and I could see the braveness and power of the anger inside his dark brown eyes .
" Give us your homework or you'll regret it !" I felt him blowing his fiery breath in my face but still I stood there without moving . I was frozen ..
I am strong .. I can defeat myself .. I am strong .. I can defeat myself ..
Suddenly Jay hit me on my shoulder and pushed me really hard to a side ! I was so weak to defeat him so I fell down to the ground and my head hit one of the lockers .
Mal rolled her eyes and Jay took my notebook out of my locker . He turned and looked at me grinning .
" Loser ..! " He said . Mal laughed and they walked away .
Mal , why can't you love me , like I do ? Why can I  not have a peacefull life like you do ? What have I done to you ? My mother abuses me at home and I see that enough to live a miserable life ....
My crush bullies me ...? That makes everything perfect . I've loved this girl since I was five years old and my mom sent me to The Dragon Hall . I always wanted to enter here , learn things compeletly and make my mom proud .. I wanted to make friends here but no one could be my friend , when the school's most popular girl was my bully ...
slowly crawled across the floor and reached a wall and relied on it .
I barely could breath and I was still shaking with fear and sadness. Sorrow covered my heart and cast a shadow on all of my hopes , feelings and the happiness she caused without doing anything ! I stared at her walking away as she looked like someone who'd been in some armed ; There was a marching quality and strongness to it .
But what about me ?.. I was just a coward ; Walking around as if I didn't even know how to walk . It was as if my foot would always catch somewhere and I stumble and fall !
I was never that brave boy in the school ; I was always called by funk , coward and the crybaby .
But what do I except from others if my own mom doesn't need me and support me unless She needs someone to fluff and brush her furs .
School's bell rang and I entered the class . I searched for Mal and Jay so They give my notebook back but I was a little late when I found them because Mrs Tremaine , Drizella's mother just arrived that time ! She was really old but her eyes would see really good that she could even see if the students in the last row of the chairs are eating something or not .. She gives those kinda students detention by the way .
I whispered :" Mal !" But she didn't even turned around or looked at me . I gulped and held my breath nervously . I felt my heart beating faster and louder as I was looking at Mrs Termaine's hair and the grey roots of them ; As I stared more I could see that they have began to show since October .
She stood up slowly and walked through Mal and Jay's bench . I could feel fear crawling into my body like a snake ; I could hear it hissing .. I clutched my trembling hand to my pencil case and closed my eyes and prayed for myself .
" Where's your homework ?" I heard Mrs Termaine saying that . I opened my eyes with fear and stared at them .
" Here .." Mal said ; Then she threw her notebook on the table infront of Mrs Termaine .
Some students giggled .
" QUIET !!!!" Mrs Termaine screamed ; A scary silence reigned in the class .
Jay turned around and glanced at me . I showed my notebook on my bench as I was trying to make him understand that " GIVE ME MY NOTEBOOK !" But he acted like he hasnt understood anything and turned around looking at the teacher . Well now .. This wasn't okay ! I was gonna die .. Or my teacher was gonna kill me .. Amd then , They will send my death body to my mother's house so she keeps me layed down on her furst to save them from Beezlebub . I mean even if shevunderstands I'm dead  ,She'll not care .. She'll just use my dead bosy in a way which gives her benefits ..
Suddenly something unexceptable happened that turned my day more worse !!!
Jay took my notebook out of his bag and put it on the table . I gasped as Mrs Termaine was wondering whos' notebook was that . Because we all knew my notebook was the cleanest one .
" This is Carlos' notebook . He forced us to do his homework too !" Jay said .
I opened my mouth trying to breath while I was shocked and barely blinking !!
Mrs Termaine turned around and stared at me with that sloping angry eyes ;
" Detention !!" She screamed . I gulped as my eyes were widened .. I looked at Jay who was smirking at me ... OH MY GOSH ! How dare he ?
I looked at Mal who was sitting beside him and looking at us with confusion ..
She has made this face that meant I didn't want this to happen .
Huh , Sure you did , Mal . You and Jay hate me !..
I slowly stood up and exited the classroom . I tried to keep myself from exploding but I hated that situation .. To be honest , I hated everything !
I needed someone to survive me .. From this whole situation !

Me (writer) : And btw this is an original story

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Me (writer) :
And btw this is an original story . Let me know what do you think about it in the comments 👀👄👀
♡ Thanks for reading this ♡

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