Kassie's Pov:
After the boys got off the field we had to clean up and fast. I wasn't for sure if we were going to go to the party tonight or not. I know when Hayes got hit he said he heard a pop. So he might have a cracked rib... I hope not because then he would be out for the rest of the season.
After the girls and I were done picking up the signs and stuff, I put my jacket on and grab my bag and phone. I put it in my pocket and zip my jacket up. I walk over to Elizabeth and say "Hey I will get a ride home with Hayes and Nash, see you at home." She nods and says "Okay sounds good. We will talk more at home."
I nod and give her a side hug. She is like a mother to me and I love that about her.
When I was done talking to Hayes's mom I walk over to the locker room which is all the way on the other side of the field. But I made it.
I get over there and was looking for Hayes. I sat with the group of girls waiting to give the jersey's back. Finally I see him walking. He was with Nash... Nash was helping him walk out...? What had happened?
I drop my bag and run to him, I say "Babe what the hell happened to you?!!" Nash says "Well he might have a hurt rib but from getting knocked the wind out of him... He will have to ice his back for the next week. He might be able to play next week. Don't know yet?"
I look at Nash and say "Can you give us a minute please?" He nods and I walk Hayes to the bleachers they had their. He still had his pads and stuff on. I say "You want me to help?" He nods.
He turns to me and holds my shoe. I was sitting with one leg on the bench. I look at him and he holds his arms up with struggle. He unbuckles the straps and I slide his shoulder pads off of his head. He makes noise and I knew he was in pain.
I set his shoulder pads along with his jersey next to my bag. I grab some tylonal out of my bag and a water. I say "Here babe take these till we get home." He looks at me and flips his wet hair out of his face. He says "What is it?" I look at him and say "Just take it, trust me. I would like to go home."
He takes the drugs. He says "Babe, we aren't going to that party tonight. Is that okay? Like none of the boys are going too." I nod and say "Yes babe that is fine, we need to get you home."
He says "Alright, where's Nash? I told him to go get the car." I look around and found the car. I say "Come on babe he is over there." He grabs his things and then my bag. I look at him and say "Babe I can carry it?" He smiles and says "Nope your not going to."
I gave in and helped him walk to the car. When we made it we get in the back and Hayes rests his head in my lap. Even though both of them stunk very bad, and his hair was like a mop, I still loved him being here.
At Home...
When we got home Chad walks out and grabs all of our bags. Nash runs in and starts us both a hot bath. It was nice of him to do that.
I had to help Hayes out of the car with Chad's help. But we managed.
When we got him inside I helped him upstairs and brought him to the bathroom. I sit him down so he could get in.
I turn to go but he grabs my hand. He says "Babe... please help me. I need my pads off. Please?" I look at him like he is crazy. I sigh and I knew he had compression shorts on under them. I help him stand up.
He holds my waist carefully, I help him get his under shirt off. I was looking at his abs.
Hayes's Pov:
I couldn't do this without help. I made sure she wouldn't see anything. But when she took the under shirt off she was starring. I knew she was. I lift her head up with my finger and say "Baby girl, my eyes are up here. Don't need to be looking at my abs, there's nothing there."
She looks at me and says "Why didn't you tell me?" I smile and say "Thought you would know." She wouldn't stop starring. I then say "Can you help me un do these?" I was talking about my football pads. I knew she wasn't going to help on that part. So I had her un do them.
When she did that I lift her chin up to look at me. I say "Now go bathe too, I will be in your room soon. We can talk of whatever. Make sure you just sit there for awhile though." She nods. I lift her chin up to kiss me.
Kassie's Pov:
When he lifted my chin up to kiss him, I did. I had to stand on my toes to though. After that I left and went to my room. I see Nash getting the water ready. He says "Sorry, how's Hayes?" I nod and say "He is good. Can I bathe please?" He nods and leaves. I set my shit down and start stripping.
(Sorry about that but it's true though)
When I was only in my under garments I take my makeup off, brush through my hair, and take all the shit out of it. I take my contacts out and finally get in the water.
I lay there for 30 minutes... During that time I look at my hip and it was bad. I go to touch it and I flinch in pain.
30 minutes later.....
Kassie's Pov:
I walk out of the bathroom and see some clothes laying there.. I put the cute crop top peach colored PINK top with the black bandeau thing. Then I put on yoga shorts that were with it. I go to the bathroom and braid my hair into a side braid and I hear a knock. I knew it was him.
He walks in and walks into the bathroom. He wraps his arms around my small waist.
Hayes's Pov:
I had put those clothes there so she could wear them. I walked in and she looked hot as ever. I walk to her and wrap my muscular arms around her very very small petite figure. I rest my arms around her small waist band. She was putting moisturizer on. I rest my head on her shoulder blade.
She finishes what she was doing and starts to turn to face me. She says "Hayes, you need to lay down babe." I smile and say "Baby girl I am okay, let me see your hip please." She looks at me and doesn't want to show it. She knew how bad it was because it's her body.
I start to run my hand up the hemline of the shirt but she stops me. She says "Babe please no." I say "Babe let me... Please? I'll show you mine." I had a bro tank on and pj pants.
She messes with the bottom of her shirt. I lift her head up and say "Please show me? I will not hurt you, you know that. I won't take advantage of you showing me. Just letting me see your hip and the bruise." She nods.
I take her hand and she lays down on the bed. she pulls the top of the shorts down to her hip bone. She lifts the hemline up of her shirt and their was the bruise that looked terrible. It wasn't even a bruise. It was bad.
I look into her eyes to see if she would let me touch it. She nods. I run my fingers over it carefully. She flinches and grabs the sheets. I take her other hand and hold her hands. I say "Babe I promised you... your turn."
Kassie's Pov:
When he touched it, it hurt so bad. But I didn't know he would have a bruise already. But I wanted to see it.
He lays flat on the bed. I sit next to him and he sits up to take his shirt off. He throws it to the ground.
He lifts up his arm and there was a bruise on his rib cage. Then he rolls over and his back had little bruises all over it. He sits up and pulls me closer to him. He says "Babe, I don't want anyone else to hurt you ever. Got it?" I nod. He says "You wanna cuddle or what?" I smile and say "I want to cuddle."
He pulls me close to him. I cover us up with the bed sheets. He turns the lights off with the remote. He says "Goodnight baby girl." I say "Goodnight Hayes." I cuddled up next to him with my head on his bare chest, one hand resting on his stomach with his free one holding it. His other hand wrapped around me holding me close by my waist. He made sure to be careful not to hurt me.
And he did.

It all started with a tweet....
FanfictionMeet Kassie. She is a soon to be 15 year old girl and lived in California. Her life was perfect so she says, but when out of no where her parents tell her that she is going to live with one of their family friends in North Carolina? Who will she be...