Ikhlas POV.
Life went on with my best friend acting like my enemy. Despite the demands of life, I felt a deep rooted content with my circumstances and the people I surrounded myself with. The familiar sense of insufficiency sunk in, forcing me to feel more insignificant than ever.
Our husband is coming back home today and am more than excited. Maybe all these will phase out when he resolves it. I just can't wait to be back on track with Hannefah again. It's been two damn weeks since Haneefah declared me her enemy.
I don't know if you understand what i mean but it's just so hard... Like so damn hard.
I wake up everyday hoping that her anger will dissipate, she'll be relieved of her pain, her emptiness will fill but No, everything comes pouring back immediately she sets her eyes on me.
"Ya Allah if this is my own burden to carry, give me the faith and strength to continue pushing through" I prayed and someone said " Ameen" behind me.
I was a bit startled, even though I know the voice but i wasn't expecting the owner by 1:00pm instead of 5:00pm.
"Welcome back husby" I greeted with a genuine grin.
" How have you been peaches and my baby too" he answered with a smile before pulling me into an embrace.
"We are all fine Alhamdulillah" I replied.
He showered and I cooked noodles for us. then I learnt that Hannefah went to see Aunty husnah and will be back around five.
"So care to tell me what Happened between you and Haneefah?" He asked, carefully chewing on the noodles.
Well that's it. What should I tell him? I don't want to be the person to tell him. I want Hannefah to tell him herself cause telling him now would raise more misunderstandings. I just hope am doing the right thing.
"Nothing to worry about dear it's all settled" I said which we all know is a lie.
" Are you sure?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow. Was my lie that obvious? I just hope he doesn't catch on the situation quickly.
"Sure husby we are best friends remember" I said trying harder to conceal my quivering eyes with a wide smile and I tried making it genuine too.
"Okay then I trust the both of you." Plus I have a sad news for both of you I'll tell you when she comes back.
After lunch we were together in my room, I was reading a book and he was doing Allah knows what on his phone. After sometime he kept the phone on my bedside drawer and slept off. He must have had a very tiring week.
Around five thirty, I was preparing dinner when I heard her Salam, I slowly answered and She went straight to his room.
Not meeting him there she came to the kitchen and asked me "where is my husband?" With her glare shooting daggers at me.
" He is sleeping in my room" I answered with my head bent low, preventing my eyes from meeting hers.
She hissed. "such a hypocrite. If someone sees you acting like this he wouldn't know how sly of a fox you are" she spat, turned and left.
" Ya Allah you are Al-hakkam (The judge)" I muttered and continue cooking.
Soon I heard their laughter erupting from my room, Guess he is already awake. After a while it died down which made me begin to wonder if she told him what Happened between us. I just hope she told him.
After Magrib, we all sat for dinner with the exemption of you know who...
"She said she ate in Aunty husnah's house so she can't eat anything" he said and digged into his food. I ate just a small portion out of mine, I had little or no appetite.
After the meal, we all sat in the sitting room watching TV. Even though it was obvious no one was interested in the movie, we just had to keep watching. Believe me the tension there reached a certain point where I was finding it difficult to breathe.
Immediately we heard the Adhan, I was the first to jump out of my seat. I just couldn't wait to be out of that place, It was so suffocating.
I performed Ablution and prayed Isha before setting for bed.
"Ikhlas" I heard him call me. I answered put on my hijab and went to see him.
She was there with him. I forcefully swallowed the lump in my throat before sitting down.
"I want both of you to tell me what's going on" he said, his expression looking deadpan serious.
Hannefah chuckled and I could sense the nervousness in her. " It's nothing Yaya don't worry about it" she Said.
Ohhh! So she also don't want to tell him.
He eyes moved to mine and I gave him a reassuring smile. Which was also fake.
He heave a sigh, shook his head before saying " even though am not buying this excuse, I'll leave you guys to it. Am going to New York next week for an exam. I hope all these gets resolved before I come back" he said. Giving us death glares before heading to his room, leaving us dumbfounded.
Through out the week Hannefah tried to fake being nice which I gladly played along. Hannef was starting to believe that we had finally sort out our misunderstandings. It felt like temporarily getting off a tedious work.
The night before he left, we were together in my room discussing random stuff when he calmly called my name. I scooted closer to him, giving him my full attention.
"I know Hannefah might be judgemental and sentimental sometimes but during this period that am going to be away, am counting on you to take good care of her." He said, looking directly into my eyes.
I gave him a smile, " sure husby she is my best friend okay" I said. Ruffling his hair in the process, earning a playful frown from him.
"When are you coming back?" I asked.
" I don't know yet peaches. just pray I do well and get the job okay. Do not forget your Antinatals " he replied. I smiled and nodded my head in approval.
We talked for a bit before he bade me good night and kissed his baby before going out.
The next morning, we all woke up sulking, slothfully got ready to see him off to the airport.
We took Hannefah's car with her driving. We got to the airport and bade him goodbye. I just hope hell doesn't let lose if he goes.
I was scared... So scared that my body begin to tremble and my eyes let go of the tears.
"Don't cry peaches before you know it I'll be back" he said hugging me, earning a glare from Hannefah.
He hugged Haneefah too before disappearing in the crowd.
So haneef still didn't know what was going on.Is Haneefah going to continue from where she stopped?
Is Ikhlas going it fulfill the promise she made to her husband?
Stay tuned to find your answers.
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General FictionIkhlas's life was just like a rollercoaster, one great turn after the other. She had a friend she holds dearly to her heart and that person who was the man of her dreams. What happens when her Bestfriend marries the person who was to be her soulm...