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"Let's calm ourselves, Ms. Jeon, it's my first time hiring people and so, welcome to Fantaisie. I'm Ms. Son Chaeyoung and I prefer to be called by my name. I am Ms. Fantaisie's secretary and head photographer and also the art designer for the company."

"Sorry to interrupt Chaeyoung unni but you're Korean?"

"Absolutely." Chaeyoung cheekily smiled. Somi smiles too, but an awkward one. Somi takes her resume and shows it to the girl, Chaeyoung nods as she read the information about the girl. Suddenly she spoke Korean.

The girl understands her, "Okay. So Somi, you're an ex BlackLabel artist?"

"Yes, Mi- I mean Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung looked into more, "but you graduated with a Fine Arts course. What pushes you to be an artist of YG Ent.'s sub-label?" She asked, hoping the girl could answer her. She just needs honest answers and just to share her experiences based on her resume.

She Replies Somi, "Dad found I got talent too, and I tried, sadly I never find it fun. I quit and here me now seeking for a nice company to hire me."

The girl smiles and she toss the paper and touch Somi's hand, she freaks out. Somi got a papercut, and a little blood began to draw.

Chaeyoung stood up from her chair and took her bandages, "Apologies Somi I didn't mean-" the tiger is stopped from worrying and Somi licks her blood.

Not a normal lick, she licks it like she's a cat cleaning herself. Chaeyoung gulps and smiled, "Oh ok ok, please put bandages for no blood will drop." Putting the bandages on the table and put down her resume.

"Now, I'll show you the whole ass company if you let me, I am proud to show you, this whole motherfucking Fantaisie company," Chaeyoung said. Standing up and closing her computer, Somi stands up and puts her resume back in her sling bag. She happily followed Chaeyoung, the beast informs the employee to eat lunch since it's noon. 

Far from Somi and Chaeyoung, Superintendent Yoo Jeongyeon, officer Seo Changbin, Yang Jeongin joined her in Brazil to track one of the biggest drug lords, not that one that Tzuyu finished off.

The one named Do Kyungsoo, known as D.O is one of Chanyeol's partners in exchanging drugs and such. He's a very clever man in which it took long for the Korean policemen to catch him and take him down. But he can't be sure if he will escape from Jeongyeon's trap right now.

Jeongyeon failed to shoot a bodyguard, her body was late to act up, ending she's hit.

"Motherfucking Tommy gun." Jeongyeon hissed after she felt the bullet rips off the skin of her arm. She rises from her crouch and shoots 3 men in a row. Signals the boys to follow her and clear both 9 and 3 o'clock, since she sabotages the high floor she kicked the door and aimed her gun. "Hands up! Nayeon??"

There, she saw her fiancée Nayeon, scaring the drug lord with her chainsaw. The drug lord is tied up in the chair and got cuts on his chest, judging, Nayeon has been torturing the man before Jeongyeon could kick the door. Jeongyeon was fed up and said, "Let's talk later Nabongs, and you dirty man! Open your goddamn eyes!"

He slowly opens his eyes, "Ah, the infamous Yoo Jeongyeon! How does it feel to kill my friend Chanyeol and what? Shed my blood in my mansion?!" As when he raises his voice, he earned a big slap from Nayeon, followed by his saliva flying away. 

He giggles and stretches his neck. "I never thought your hand can fill my whole face like that, Im Nayeon." He admits, spitting his saliva more on Jeongyeon's shoes. Man, she could feel she's boiling in a minute but never show a hint that she's mad.


"Do Kyungsoo, guilty on Parricide, Massacre, Drug dealing,  paraphernalia, possession, manufacturing and all. Now I finished off your men, your buyers, I hope we can bring you back to South Korea and pay for your crimes." Jeongyeon declares, removing her mask which blocks her breathing.

Kyungsoo smirks, "I don't wanna, even if you put me in the wing of the plane." Jeongyeon walks toward them and exchanges the ropes for handcuffs but they were distracted by the sound of the guns, the sounds hollowed, and it made Nayeon shake in her skin. Jeongyeon moaned when she was hit by the gun again, due to the impact on her back touching the wall, making Jeongyeon unconscious, for a bit.

Nayeon attacks Kyungsoo, Jeongyeon stands up pivots her foot, and kicks D.O in his back. Since she noticed the man's limping, and now it's hard for D.O to stand up, he can't move his legs properly. 

I.N and Changbin pulled Nayeon away from the scene, backup appears from the shadows, everyone aiming their guns at D.O, red lasers pointing at him, as soon he raises his face, the lasers pointed at his forehead, chest, arms, even to his "paralyzed legs". 

D.O chuckles, Jeongyeon points her gun at his head. "I bet you can't do anything.. besides giving up."

But the man, still laughs at his will, "Giving up, you say?" He mocked, trying to stand up but he looks like taking a push-up, with his legs wobbling. You can hear from his sighs and groans, he tried standing up. 

D.O heavily breathed in the air, letting the blood in his face drip in his chin. spits when he 

Jeongyeon shrugs, taking her handcuffs in her sides. Take the opportunity to lock the man's wrist, push him to the backup, "Get him in the van immediately, half of you come with me and investigate the mansion." Jeongyeon commanded the backup salutes and tailed Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon divided the backup and she started in the first door, saw nothing but fine liquor at a small bar, wine glasses arranged neatly, but in the small tables saw packets of drug liquid. Which they would use to the victim, in a process of electrification. 

She gasped, "They still make these drugs, I intrigued to know what's the purpose of this. I thought the main lab was secure by us.."

"But I was wrong, there's still a lot of them."

Jungkook takes off his helmet, gathers the drugs in a suitcase, and looks at Jeongyeon. "Yes, there's still a lot of 'em, but noona let's move now. Let's bring it back to Seoul." He mumbles, Jeongyeon nods and commands the backup to move out.

"I am sorry Ms. Fantaisie.."

"What are you apologizing for?" Mina asked Tzuyu, but both talking on the phone. Tzuyu opens her phone and voice record, Mina can hear Jeongyeon and the other's voices. Tzuyu didn't speak, for Mina can hear the conversation.

 "This is proven Chanyeol had connections, years after we put him down, their business has gone worse. Do Kyungsoo hide from different countries, manufacturing the drugs, and also making these liquid drugs and import them to others."

"But there's only Do Kyungsoo, Kim Junmyeon, Aiden"Donghae" Lee. But Aiden was taken down by an unknown threat. We have to find Junmyeon Kim, also far away from here."

Mina bit her lip, Aiden 'Donghae' Lee is one of Chanyeol's allies that they took down after Tzuyu went to Mina's fashion show, last night. But she's not surprised since she knew how fast Jeongyeon takes a case, Tzuyu lets the conversation on, and now she knows what is her next move.

"Unknown threat? I have gutted it's your ex-partner, Officer Myoui Mina. I am not sure but if you might think it's her... I don't know."

"Whose voice is that?" Mina asked again, putting down her glass on the table. Tzuyu jumped out from the rooftop, she walks towards her motorbike, sitting comfortably she's in a location where she's unseen.

"Officer Jeon Jungkook from Busan Police department, Ms. Fantaisie." Tzuyu answered, "I think we have to track Kim Junmyeon faster than them. Or else, they could capture an innocent woman again and."

"Tzuyu-ah, go to Athens, Greece. That's the last location where Kim Jumyeon is. I am sure he and his lab were there." 

"Copy that." Tzuyu declared, take her helmet, and rode off. Mina stayed in the hotel, all of them are in Brazil, Mina just faked the country so that Chaeyoung wouldn't worry. But Mina is waiting for Chaeyoung to check up on her, she's used her messages always full. But now, she didn't know.

Mina left herself chill in the tub, with the view of the small city from her front. It is very relaxing, but Mina's ain't catching up, more as she missed something she didn't what it is. The cold water made her whimper a bit and closes her eyes, now she's fine and relaxed, she tried to forget about Chaeyoung now.

But, she can't.

She tried to think about the situation earlier, but her head is clouded of thought with Chaeyoung. She can't help but spam a message on their convo like it's been her hobby for the past years. Looking at her phone, she tried to reach it and stop herself.

Mina concentrated to lose herself in the bath, but every time her eyes approach her phone. She would do a move to call Chaeyoung, inhales, and exhales. After raising her pride, she decided to snatch her phone from the table.

"Goddamn it." Mina hissed, she opened KakaoTalk and saw nothing but the last message 2 days earlier, both of them never spam a message at each other. Mina felt disappointed, but her Instagram notification appears on the screen.

As she clicked it, she saw Chaeyoung's post, but with Somi, they had fun eating dinner. She even takes Somi to food stands near a park. Mina's blood boiled and threw her phone and cracks. She doesn't feel scared of losing a phone.

"I'll buy it later." She groans, letting her soak body and mind relax on the water again.

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