Chapter 10

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"You know about Delta, don't you?" Karen asked.

Nightingale froze, then she nodded quietly.

"It's not your fault...." she began, "An order is an order. It's in the past now. We can move on."

Karen stared at Nightingale, waiting for her to say more. When Nightingale stayed silent and went back to what she was doing, Karen got the clue that the conversation had ended. She quietly walked out of the room.

Nightingale closed her eyes. She knew that the death of Delta was inevitable, but when the reality sunk in, it still hurt. She got out of her bed and exited the room. Slowly, she walked down the hallway to a room with the name "CLARE" on the door and knocked.

The door slid open and Clare looked up from her desk.

"Come on in. I have been expecting you," she said. Nightingale walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Why do you hate Delta so much?" Nightingale asked at once.

"He was responsible for my parents' death, our parents' death. He led Them to us. We were perfectly happy before all these. Until Delta helped the murderer -" Clare buried her face in her hands.

Nightingale sat down on the chair by the bed and looked at Clare.

"I don't think it was him. It might have been a coincidence. They might have just had a bad relationship with our parents. Or they could have just put the blame on him," Nightingale said.

"It was his fault! He WAS working for the group that killed our parents!" Clare looked up and said. Her eyes were red, "I have to do something. I have to revenge for our parents. They took him in when he was a child; when he had no food and no shelter. And this is what they get for being kind. Raise a person who ended up signing their death sentence!"

Clare got up from the desk and stormed to the bed. Nightingale wasn't sure what to say.

"They also took me in when I was alone and cold wandering the street," Nightingale said quietly. "But maybe, just maybe, Delta really did not know," Nightingale suggested at last.

"Too late now, isn't it. He's dead. Done. End of story," Clare turned her face to the wall. Nightingale could hear soft sob and she knew that this conversation had ended.

Doors were opening and closing in the hallway outside but the room was quiet. Nightingale fiddled with the strings on her shirt.

"Have you heard of Jackdaw?" Nightingale asked.

Clare looked up. "No. Who is he?" she asked.

"He's an enemy of Halcyon. He has gathered agents and groups to help him take down Halcyon. Karen told me a little about it. She used to be part of a group called Ace. There is another one called Phoenix. They've made the most noise," Nightingale said.

"I have heard of Ace. When Karen first join us, she mentioned something about being a spy and stuff. I didn't pay much attention because I only needed her to take care of Delta, which she did," Clare said, "now this Jackdaw. Tell me what you know about him and his group. Maybe he will be a valuable ally to have."

"I will talk to Karen and find out what I can," Nightingale got up and headed to the door. She turned and gave Clare a final glance, "You know that saying, my enemy's enemy is my friend?" She smiled and exited the room.

"That means that we can potentially group up to defeat Halcyon..." Clare muttered as the door closed.

Nightingale found Karen in the basement. She had a pencil in her hand and was writing something in a journal.

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