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"I hope so."
He said.
I smiled at him as I glanced back at the distance. I felt sad for some reason. I was sad the day was over and was afraid I would never see Barron again.

My phone suddenly rang as the screen turned on. It had caught Barron's attention as well.

Message from Mom: "y/n, sweetie where are you?."

"Just my mom asking where I am."
I sighed as I turned off my screen.
Barron looked worried and confused for some reason.
He said.
"Anyway I should probably get going, you know."
I said as I looked at him.
We locked eyes.
"Yeah, yeah you should."
He said as he looked back into the distance with sadness in his face.

I looked at the tall boy who stood in front of me. I hoped this wasn't a goodbye but instead more of like a see you later. I was waiting for him to say something I was getting anxious, what if I never ever saw him again??!

I was pretty sure I could really see him any day but him in the other hand couldn't just sneak out of the White House whenever he wanted, it was much more harder. That's why I waited for Barron to say something instead of me asking him.

I could tell he was nervous as he looked at me in the eyes.

"Hey y/n, you think we can meet up some day again maybe, or something?"
He blurted out quickly as he stuttered a little.

Ah he was just so cute! YES bingo! I thought in my head. I was so exited I was going to get to see him again.

"Yeah sure what's the plan?"
I said with a neural tone trying to hide the fact that I was no joke dying of excitement in the inside. I didn't want him thinking I was desperate.

"Oh okay."
He said. He looked much more relieved than before, was he actually that nervous to ask that?"

"Uh so how about Friday at 6:30PM at this same spot."
Barron said.
I murmured.

What the actual fawk??! That was literally a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK from now. I was gonna go insane.

"Hey y/n is that okay? I will be busy the whole week, I have online school and a bunch of homework, I also can't have the guards thinking something is up."
He chuckled as he looked at me with confusion.
"Oh no yeah that's great! I'll be busy too. Friday is good."
I chuckled.

"Well I gotta go, it was nice meeting you, see you Friday."
I said as I looked up at him. I couldn't help but to stare at him one more time.

"Goodbye y/n, take care and be careful when walking back home."

"I will."
I chortled as I turned around and walked out of the parking lot.
I turned back around as I saw the tall boy walk away.
I closed my eyes as I faced up to the night sky and smiled. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I couldn't wait to see Barron again. I could feel my cheeks blush as I felt them go warm.

I quickly walked back home. I really wasn't that far way but I still didn't want to get in trouble or have to cancel my plans with Barron just because I got grounded for getting home late or something stupid like that happened.

I was shortly back in my neighborhood and saw my house down the street. I walked to my house.  As I opened the door I took my shoes off at the doorstep and saw my parents in the kitchen as they were picking up dishes and loading the dishwasher.

"Hey sweetie, we were worried. You said you would be back before it was dark out."
My mom said as she glanced at the kitchen window
"So what did you guys do? How was it sweetie?"
My dad asked

"Yes I'm sorry I met up with some of my friends and forgot about the time."
I said.
"Well we basically just went to the park and hung out for a while. It was good"
I said as I walked towards the kitchen to get my dinner. I could not tell them about Barron.

Barron's POV:

   I was getting closer to the White House. I couldn't stop thinking about y/n, she was so pretty and something about her was just so different. She made me so freaking nervous I felt like I would always act like an idiot around her.

  I kept walking and now it was time for me to sneak back in just like I snuck out. I went through some trees and inside the property. I went inside the White House through one of the back doors. It was actually much more harder than it seems I had to be extremely careful not to get caught.

   I entered and walked through the long entry hallways, if I was caught here I was done for good. I quickly went up the spiral stair case without making too much noise. Next I went up the main staircase and took a left turn as I walked towards my room.
"Hey Barron?"
Said a voice from behind.

Fuck. Who was it. I couldn't get caught again.  I slowly turned around as I saw one of the security guards from the main floor.
"What are you doing with outside shoes inside?"
He asked.
"Uh I- I was headed to, to the gym."
I quickly blurted as I stuttered.

The guard took a right turn as he left.
Phew that was close, I thought. I quickly walked to my room and opened the door as I quietly closed it behind me.

Back to your POV:
  I sat at the kitchen table as I ate my dinner while my parents finished cleaning up the kitchen from cooking dinner earlier that night. Once I was done I stood up, headed to the sink and washed off my plate.
   I rushed up to my room, and scrolled on TikTok for a while as I sat on my bed. "I wish there was a way I could text Barron." I thought. I couldn't believe I was saying this but I guess I missed him.
   Next I picked out my pajamas and headed to the bathroom so I could shower.

Back to Barron's POV:

I laid on my bed as I took my earbuds and played my playlist at full volume. I would usually do that. I sat there as I wondered off into my thoughts while looking at the ceiling with my arms laid out. Suddenly I clicked back into reality as I heard a familiar song.
"Tongue Tied by Grouplove"
  It was the song from earlier that day.
Y/n went directly back into my mind. All the memories from that day played in my head just like a movie.
   I remembered when she laid her head on my shoulder, her smile, her contagious laugh, how she stared at me in the store with her beautiful eyes and how she hugged me.
I felt my cheeks blush as I smiled like an idiot. I should've asked her to hang out earlier on the week, who cares about homework or guards anyways. Y/n was more important. What if she suddenly stopped liking me, or maybe she never did.

Back to your POV:
I laid down on my bed for a while as I scrolled through my phone. I felt my eyelids get heavier as I almost fell asleep. I set my phone on my night stand and turned around in my bed as I drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Heyyy guys sorry this chapter is a little boring💀. I wrote a whole entire chapter that I then decided to move for later because it was too intense. Lmao we will skip to Friday I won't write about the whole entire week don't worry. it's about to get good. ALSO btw SORRY if there is spelling mistakes 😭. Give me sone plot ideas and feedback.

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