Convoluted dump of art

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Umm...just don't question it- I have nothing meta to say about the title so Imma just dip-

But wait, I can't dip, I have art to show, right! That's...that's what you came for, and probably somehow partially my shitty commentary as well! Well...maybe one of you-

So I'm here to do that! Again, each time I'm the most proud of the newest art dump I make, and you're actually gonna see some improvement here from, hey, the last one! Weird, huh?

You're gonna see a lot of clean lineart in this one =v=

So without further ado, let's get to it! Starting with the important stuff, as always!

A veeeeery late birthday gift for the awesome Gmrsugarart! Like, a week late, I'm so sorry quq;;;

But either way, I hope you like it! It's similar to my own profile picture uvu

I drew Mavis! Don't really know why, I realized I could've done one of your personas instead so now I feel like there was a great opportunity wasted

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I drew Mavis! Don't really know why, I realized I could've done one of your personas instead so now I feel like there was a great opportunity wasted .w. But I wasn't really thinking at that time, my mind was all over the place!

Either way, I really, really hope you like it, Jackie quq ♡

And, heh, surprisingly this next picture (my favorite drawing in this whole art dump, by the way-) is also for Jackie! For her contest, which had a wholesome theme to it uvu

I struggled a lot with coming up with ideas for this, on top of that I just couldn't really find a song that inspired me? Until I came across one of the most loved Starset songs out there!

I also took inspiration from the costumes they wear at their concerts and took the idea further, so, lemme show you the drawing I'm most proud of!

I also took inspiration from the costumes they wear at their concerts and took the idea further, so, lemme show you the drawing I'm most proud of!

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Lookiiiiiitt quq

I decided to do an odd but actually pretty cute crackship, Todd x Insomniak! They're at different locations here and trying to find each other, hence those specific lyrics quq

Somni has blood on him and his costume since he got injured pretty badly, surprisingly not enough to crack the helmet itself!

I guess the main story behind this would be that they're in the middle of a war or apocalypse, fighting for their lives and their people and, trying to find each other in the process again! Maybe they're even in different teams, altho that sounds a little too Romeo and Juliet to me-

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