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Shreshtha's POV : -

It has been five years since the day our little bundle of joy or Armaan's little chipmunk was born. Five blissful years of happiness and joy. Love as well as prosperity.

Today is Arjun's fifth birthday and we have planned a big birthday bash for our little baby boy.

Arjun hates when I call him that. Because he thinks he is a big boy like his Papa. He hates it especially when Armaan calls him his little chipmunk. But its true though he is so cute and his cheeks are so squishy and chubby. Whoever meets him always pull his cheeks.

Arjun is studying in Kindergarten now and his very smart for a boy his age. All the teachers love him. He also has a big circle of friends. He is not only smart and intelligent but a very good football player too. Thanks to Armaan's and Kartik's lessons. The trio love to play football and it is a compulsory activity if not in the evenings, then in the weekends for sure. It's an amazing sight to see them playing together. He sometimes sits beside me and quietly watches me work asking some questions here and there. Armaan even takes him to his office sometimes and he always questions. It's really amazing to see him interested in what we do.

Lately his obsession is with astronomy. It happened so casually that one wouldn't believe. One day we both were having a movie marathon. Just the two of us. After we watched the movie, he said that he would watch T. V. and if something interesting is going on then only he will watch otherwise he would go and play guitar which he has learned recently. So I was flicking through the channels and when I reached to Discovery channel he asked me to stop and then said that he would watch that. Since that day, during that time period he sits infront of T. V. and watches it.

I still remember the day I held him first in my arms and now he is already five.

Time flies so fast !!!

As for our parents, friends and ofcourse not to forget my dear husband Armaan, they have totally spoiled my son. Giving him numerous gifts which are too expensive, taking him on rides, amusement parks, picnics and many more. Though being the good boy he is he never takes them for granted.

Arjun is neither a Daddy's boy nor a Mumma's boy. He is the perfect blend of both of us. Though it would be right if I say that he likes me a teensy weensy bit more. Since I always give him cuddles and cook his favourite foods.

Shh !!! Don't tell this to Armaan.

Mumma says that he looks just like how Armaan was when he was of his age. Though he is just five years old, he is very possessive about the things he cares. Especially me. Whenever there will be any other kid around me, he will hold my hand possessively as if telling the other one to stay away. Birthday parties are fun because he would get possessive in the beginning but as the night progresses by he would leave me and go play with his friends. He is also extremely possessive of me infront of other men. Which I think is the result of Armaan's preachings. You wouldn't believe if I tell you what happened one day.

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We were having a family dinner in a restaurant. It was almost at the end when the waiter came and asked if we needed anything else all the while looking at me. What happened next really shocked me. Arjun growled. He literally growled at the waiter and looked at him what I would say angrily, in the same way Armaan looks at other men who look at me appreciatively just a bit cute. An angry chipmunk.

I was brought out of my thoughts when a pair of hands circled my waist and pulled me into a hard chest. I sighed and leaned onto him and Armaan placed his head in the crook of my neck peppering small butterfly kisses down my neck and asked,"What are you thinking so hard Angel ?"

"Arjun. How he is becoming five today. Time really flies fast. I don't want him to grow fast. I always want him to stay like this. My baby boy." I said emotionally.

Armaan turned me towards him and said smiling lightly, "Every parent feels like that Angel. But it's the rule of Nature. Don't be sad about it. And now he's only five. We are yet to see how he will be in his teenage years and then after that. Okay ?? Now lets go and wake him up. He would not like to be woken up late and that too on his birthday."


Hand in hand we went to his room and quietly entered closing the door softly.

I then went to his bed and sat down beside him. My baby boy. He looks so peaceful when he is sleeping.

I slowly run my fingers through his hair and he snuggles to me. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his forehead before whispering, "Happy Birthday my baby. Wake up."

Arjun whined softly before opening his eyes. He then rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up. When he saw me, he smiled brightly before wrapping his small chubby arms around my neck and kissed my cheek and said,"Thank You mumma. I love you."

I smiled at him before kissing him on the forehead again and said,"I Love You too baby."

Armaan then lifted him from my lap and took him in his arms before spinning him in a small circle and cooed,"Happy Birthday my little chipmunk. I Love You."

Armaan held him higher in the air and spun him around in circles while Arjun's infectious laughter echoed through the room.


It was 7:00 PM in the evening and we were all set for the party. All his friends, my parents, other relatives and our friends are invited. I was busy looking around the house and checking the decorations when a husky voice said,"You look so beautiful Angel."

I smiled and turned around towards Armaan and wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands wrapped around my waist and said teasingly,"You don't look bad yourself."

Armaan chuckled and just as he was about to say something Arjun came running towards us and said, "See mumma I am ready. How do I look ?? Papa said that I look just like him."

And here's another thing that I adore the most is how Arjun admires his father. He does little things like looking like his father,  listening attentively to whatever he tells him etc. It's really an amazing sight to see.

One day someone from Armaan's office asked that what's his aim in life, and he told the person that he wants to be just like his Papa and Mumma.

I had tears in my eyes when I heard that.

He is really the sweetest and the most adorable baby in the whole world.

I came out of my thoughts and smiled at him before saying, "Yes yes my boy. You look very good. Very handsome."

Just then I heard the doorbell ring and me and Armaan went to greet them.

After that everyone invited came starting from my parents, our friends, Arjun's friends to our relatives.

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