The next day Nicki and Beth returned to town and they joined us at the hospital. Ashton remembered both of them and was happy they took time to see him considering they weren't very close to him or any of the boys, especially Nicki. Beth stayed in the room with the boys to try to help Ashton catch up on all the memories he forgot, I told them to hold back on telling him that we dated for a while. I wanted to be the one who told him when the time came. I'm sorta trying to be the person who owns up to their mistakes from now on.
So as the others played catch up with Ashton, Nicki joined me in the waiting area.
"Hospitals are pretty depressing aren't they?" She commented grabbing a magazine from the table.
"You never leave the hospital as you were before, whether it's a scratch or your life. You always leave something here"
"Whoa that's pretty dark Franks"
I laughed "I like to think of myself as a deep person"
"So who is he?" She said out of nowhere not even looking up from her magazine.
"I don't understand what you're saying?"
"The guy you're in love with"
"I don't believe in love Nicki you know-"
She slammed her magazine down, causing me to jump a little in my chair "Oh come on Frankie, don't tell me you forgot what I told you the first day I met you?"
"How to open my locker?"
She grabbed my wrists "No! That I see things others can't, I'm a good observer. And I've been observing you, it's totally clear you're in love with somebody."
I laughed nervously "Okay Nicki I think you've gone crazy"
"I've always been crazy" She replied letting go of my wrists "Your cheeks are always flushed, pupils dilated, and the fact you would rather dyed your hair this insane color than break a few hearts is way out of your character"
"I know, this color is way too bold but it's temporary so-"
"Frankie!" She scanned my face but I remained quiet because truth was I had no idea what has been going on with me lately. Was I already in love "Maybe you're just on drugs and I've been reading the signs all wrong" Nicki finally said going back to her magazine acting as if she no longer cared anymore. Suddenly Beth came skipping towards us,
"Hey would any of you guys drive me to the mall. Prom is in a few days and I haven't even gotten a dress"
Nicki looked at me before she bolted up "Frankie would, I'm going home"
"Wait what?"
"Oh yay!" Beth clapped before taking my hand and lead me towards the door.
I shot Nicki a look as she nervously smiled at me before I disappeared out the door.
Beth was nice, I really liked her but she had a mouth bigger than Kim Kardashian's ass. She went on and on about which dress she should choose, it's been over an hour and she still hasn't picked one out yet. If I heard one more word about how every dress showed a personalty I would strangle myself with one of them.
"So who's taking you to prom?" I asked hoping to divert her attention to something slightly less annoying.
"Well a few have asked me but-" She began to blush.
"You like somebody don't you, Beth?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her as she tried to hide her embarrassment behind some dresses but I could see her cheeks turn the same color as the dress she was holding up. "Well are you going to tell me? Do I know him? Does he go to our school? Is he cu-"
"It's Luke!" She blurted out and almost immediately after she covered her mouth with her hand.
"Wait really?" I was in shock, but now that I think of it they would make a cute couple. The perky socialite like Beth with the cute awkward boy who dressed like a punk. Now that would be perfect.
"Yeah, but I can never get alone time with him" She pouted and as if the universe was sending us a sign the lover boy himself came trailing behind the bright red head towards our direction. I nudged Beth causing her to blush even more.
"Hey guys what are you doing here?" I asked.
"We had to pick up our suits for prom" Michael said holding up the three suits wrapped in dry cleaning plastics.
"That's a really pretty dress, Beth" Luke pointed out smiling at Beth who looked like she would just exploded.
I pulled Michael to the side and explained that Beth and Luke clearly have the hots for each other but are too scared to make the first move and we should just push them to help break the ice. Michael happily agreed.
"Oh shoot I have to get back soon to give Cody his truck back. Michael do you need a ride back?" Michael nodded. "Beth will you be okay with finding a dress by yourself, I'm sure Luke would be happy to drive you home. Right Luke?"
"Uh yeah sure" He said nervously.
"Alright then we'll see you guys later" Michael said as he ran out the store while I followed behind, trying to make it seem like we were really in a rush.
When we finally reached the parking lot and climbed into the truck I noticed Michael had a boquet of flowers.
"Never pegged you for the flower giving type of guy" I smirked as I started the engine.
"Yeah well I'm asking her to prom today" He grinned holding up the flowers so they wouldn't get ruined.
"Right now?"
He nodded.
"Well let me drive you to her house, what's her address?" I asked digging through the console for my GPS system.
"I actually don't know the address but I know how to get there"
"Alright" I pulled out of my parking spot "Just tell me where to go"
"So how's Ashton?" I asked after a few minutes of him telling me where to turn.
"He's stable, his mom said he would be out in a few days. Turn Right"
I banked right "That's great news"
"So when are you going to tell him about what went down?"
"I'm not sure yet. Still looking for the perfect time" In reality I wasn't sure on how to tell somebody I played with their feelings to win a bet.
"Slow down, her house is near. Well there's no better time than now. That's what my mom always says"
I glanced at house which looked really familiar to me "Isn't this Nicki's neighborh-"
"Stop here" He said nervously. I stopped. It wasn't just Nicki's neighborhood, it was Nicki's house.
"Wow this was unexpected"
"Listen Frankie, before I go in there and ask I need to know if you're okay with this. Considering you're her best friend"
I gulped back some tears "Yeah of course. Just don't break her heart" I let out a fake laugh, looking at Nicki's house instead of him, afraid I would accidentally let out a few drops of tears.
"Great thanks." He climbed out the car and jogged to the front door, flowers in hand. I watched as she opened the door and let him in. I didn't hesitate to slam my foot on the gas and drive away as tears rolled down my cheeks.
In some ways Nicki was right. I wasn't in love, but I was just crushing hard. I was crushing hard on Michael Clifford, and I finally understood why they called it crushes because it fucking hurts.

typical love story // mgc
FanfictionI wish I could tell you this was story of how a girl and a boy fell in love and lived happily ever after or that two best friends realized they were meant to be or how two lovers overcame diffuult obstacles to be together But alas it is not, This is...