Indraprast : The land of dreams(part 2)

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"Angraj...I cant walk anymore..." Niyati cried.
Karn realised that they had walked a long distance and Niyati was really exhausted but it would not be safe to stop.
Shalya and his men would catch hold of them.
"But it is not safe to stop here. Wait..." Angraj cried.
Then he suddenly lifted Niyati in his arms.
Niyati was taken aback.
He didn't speak. He kept walking.
After walking some distance, karn could feel the strain in his muscles but he didn't express it.
Niyati noticed Karn's hands trembling.
"Karn can we sit for a while?" She cried.
"I am...not...tired" he cried with a manly voice.
"Are you sure?"Niyati asked.
Karn looked at her with guilt.
How does she know! I didn't express anything, karn thought.
They sat on a rock for rest.
Karn began recalling how they landed up there.
"But we cant take her to Hastinapur! The first place Duryodhan will search for is Hastinapur. And we cant take her to Dwarka either as it is the neighbouring kingdom of Shalya and he would easily find her there."Arjun cried.
They were deciding where to take Niyati after elopement.
Karn was a bit unsure about the plan. Eloping as a solution did not impress him but vasudev explained that it was the only way.
"But why me Vasudev?" Karn asked a bit surprised .
"Because Duryodhan trusts you. He wont imagine you doing such a thing. And if none of the pandavas are absent he wont be able to point fingers at them. You just need to save Niyati from this gruesome wedding." Govind cried.
"But you wont take her to Anga. We dont trust you. You will take her to Indraprast. It is a magical kingdom which can create illusions. You both can hide in there without any notice "Arjun cried.
Angraj didn't protest. He could, in fact, he had the right to protest but he didn't want another fuss about it. He agreed. He didn't care about the pandavas. He was doing it only for Niyati's welfare. Last night he had seen her in the most vulnerable state. He didn't want her to suffer like that all her life
There was something about Niyati which attracted him. Not just her beautiful face but something other than that too. He felt a strange connection with her, the closeness he felt when she was beside her- it was unimaginable.

Niyati and Draupadi were dressed as a bride. Their wedding rituals would start anytime.

 Their wedding rituals would start anytime

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Niyati was not happy. She had agreed to sacrifice her life but marrying Shalya was her worst nightmare. She didn't like the way he touched her. The visual lust in his eyes disgusted her. But after today he would have the full right to touch her.
Karn looked at her. He immediately felt her nervousness. He couldn't stop himself from smiling. He remembered Vasudev's words.
"We have to convince Niti to run away when she would be in a vulnerable state. She will agree to it. The time is what counts."
This man is a genius. Vasudev is simply a genius, thought Karn.
Karn was disguised as a florist. It was a part of their plan. Duryodhan was informed that Karn had left Angdesh in the morning due to an emergency. In that way they wouldn't be able to suspect Karn.
Draupadi was also looking very beautiful and the glow in her face added to her bridal beauty. She was happy she was getting married go Arjun. She was a bit worried about Niyati despite the plan but after Govind's reassurance she sighed relief.

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Seeing Niyati go towards her chamber , karn followed her secretly.
"Bhrata are you sure we can trust that Sutaputra?" Bheem questioned.
"Angraj has proven his purity. And I have told you a lot of times to not judge anyone based on their caste." Yudhisthir cried with a straight face.
Bheem looked at Arjun for his comment on the.matter.
"Bhrata yudhisthir is right. Even though I too dont trust Angraj but it is wrong to judge him based on his caste." Arjun cried. He was a bit guilty after the purity test. He had acted very impulsively and Angraj had proven his innonce.
Niyati was sitting alone in her chamber praying to Narayan when
"Dont do this Niyati"
This is Angraj's voice. I cant be wrong. Unmistakably this is...
She turned around to find Angraj Karn .
She felt a tinge of happiness in her stomach.
She didn't know why. She was very upset when she got the news of Angraj's departure. She was surprised to see him know that top in her chamber.
"Angraj..." was all what Niyati could say.
"Dont waste your life Niyati. Your father will never be happy seeing you in this pathetic marriage." He cried.
She knew his words made sense but what could she do now?
"But what can I do now ?"
"Come with me. Run away. Elope from your marriage"he cried.
Niyati looked at him in shock.
How could she do that! That was pure adharm to run away from the marriage. And the whole arya dynasty would insult her father. She would never do that!
"Think about it Niyati. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with that man. Your choice is important. He will never treat you well."
She knew that but she was stuck.
"It is an adharm." She muttered.
"What duryodhan and shalya did was also an adharm. They pressurised you into marrying him. You were supposed to have a swayamvar but they tricked you. You were tricked Niyati. Do you feel Mahamahim would ever attack a kingdom only because the princess of that kingdom wanted a swayamvar ? NO ! No niyati. I know he wouldn't do that. They fooled you ."he cried.
He had a point. She knew neither mahamahim nor Guru dron would attack Panchal also because Dwarka was in support of Panchal.
She didn't say anything. She was not fully convinced.
"Rajkumari King Shalya has stabbed Angira with his sword."
Angira was a very good friend of Niyati.
"What! What do you mean!" Niyati was in a state of shock.
"Dushashan and Shalya were speaking foul words about you and Angira was extremely angry . She tried to interfere but they killed her. She is breathing her last princess. She has requested you to visit her." The dasi clarified.
Niyati was devastated. They killed her!!! but...
Karn too was shocked on hearing such an impulsive act. He was now worried about Niyati. What if he harms her too in the same manner? No he can't allow that . He had to convince Niyati.

"ANGIRA!" Niyati shouted at she saw Angira's blood covered body.
"Niti....listen" she cried.
Niyati sat beside her .
"Niti...dont...marry cant imagine...what they are do after the marriage...I cant...even...utter the disgusting things they are perform on you."she cried.
Niyati was shocked. She knew Shalya was a disgusting man but she thought he would atleast save her honour after the marriage but evidently he had other plans.
"Moreover...Govind is...he has ... you are not destined to marry him...its not in your control...listen to govind...listen to him...and Angraj!" Saying these words she breathed her last.
Niyati was shocked. The loss of her friend was too much for her to handle.

What is my destiny Narayan, she prayed.

When she opened her eyes she saw Angraj standing in front of her. His face was filled with worry.

"Come with me Niyati." He cried in a husky voice.
She looked at his eyes. She was lost in them. She simply nodded .
Karn held her hand and started walking.
He took her to Draupadi's chamber.
Niyati was surprised to see everyone assembled in Draupadi's chamber.

Everyone looked at Karn who nodded with a smile.
Draupadi was happy beyond wits. She quickly hugged Niyati.
"You have no idea how relieved I am."she whispered.
Niyati was taken aback.
So they all were aware!
"Sakhi you are not destined to marry Shalya. Your destiny is something else. You will change the course of arya dynasty. Both you and your sister are born to change the course of history of the Arya dynasty.
Niyati trusted Govimd. She knew Govind was never wrong. She didn't need to know anything else. If Govind had said something, she.qould follow his advice. Moreover she didn't want to marry that murderer.
"Dont worry about us sakhi. We will handle everything here." Govind assured her.
She nodded . Karn held her hand and the escaped.

"Am I too heavy ?" Niyati cried
Karn was back to the present again.
"You lifted me up. Was I too heavy?" Niyati cried with an innocent face.
Karn couldn't suppress his smile.
You were light like feather, Karn thought but he had the wish of teasing her.
"Heavier than the mountains!" He cried faking tiredness.
She pouted angrily and looked away.
"You are weak. I can't be that heavy. I have not eaten anything since the morning" she cried angrily
"To fit into your clothes?" Karn cried teasing her again.
"Angraj!!!" She shouted angrily. She got up from the rock
"I am not tired anymore. Let's walk" she cried.
"Okay." Angraj cried. He got up and was going to lift her in his arms when
"I CAN WALK. YOU DON'T NEED TO LIFT THE MOUNTAIN" She cried sarcastically.
Karn could stop laughing. His laughter irritated her but she couldn't deny that st she loved seeing him laugh. There was a certain innocence in his smile.
She admired him while walking and..
"How did this tree come here!" Niysti cried. She had bumped into the tree. She was busy admiring Karn and was lost in her own world and thus couldn't notice the tree.
Angraj ran quickly to her.
"Niyati! Are you okay?" He asked concernedly.
"Umm...yeah" she cried rubbing her forehead.
He moved her hand away from her forehead and noticed blood oozing out from the sound in her forehead.
Karn was a warrior. He was used to seeing blood everywhere but seeing the blood in Niyati's forehead, he freaked out.
"You Are Hurt!" he cried in a high pitch.
"Ohh it's nothing." Niyati cried.
"Dont touch it!" Karn shouted.
Niyati was scared. He suddenly gets so angry. This sudden outburst of him scares me, she thought.
He tied his uttariya in the round to avoid exposure to the dust.
"Where are we going?" Niyati asked finally realizing she didn't know their destination.
"Indraprast." He cried.
"But aren't you the king of Angdesh. Then why are we going to Indraprast?"
"Because apparently your Arjun doesn't trust me about you. He feels I am not safe." He cried with anger. Suddenly he was filled with rage.
"Parth wont say that" she cried blankly.
"You always know how to make me lose my temper. This was the only line which could've made me angry." He cried bursting out.
He fight know why and how Niyato affected him so much.
Niyati was really scared and also angry.

It's not safe to argue with him when he is angry . This man is extremely unpredictable. Some times he is so caring but other times he turns into this angry I'll mannered man, thought Niyati.
Karn tried to calm down but Niyati supporting Arjun increased the rage in him. He still believed Niyati loved Arjun.
Maybe she will marry Arjun after reaching Indrsprast and that is why Arjun told me to take her to Indraprast. Now all of it makes so much sense. , he thought

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