Before Prom

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//Hi! I just wanna say before i start this story that i mean no harm to anyone in this story and that if they feel uncomfortable or if they just want me to delete it i will! And also remember that my first language isn't English so if this story makes no sense that is why haha. But now enjoy!//

George is standing in front of a poster. The poster advertises his schools prom that is being held in a week. He sighs. It is his schools hottest topic at the moment, everyone is talking about who they will go with or who they will ask to go with. Even Georges friends is talking about it, but George doesn't really listen to those conversations because prom is nothing that really excites him. Loud music and people standing close to each other doesn't really sound that fun. He feels someone tap his shoulder. He turns and looks at who it is. Clay. George's best friend and long time crush even if he really doesn't wanna accept it.

"George what are you doing? We are gonna be late to our class!"

Clay takes Georges hand and drags him to the classroom. George can't help but to blush at the action even if it really doesn't mean anything because this isn't the first time it has happened. They both walk into the classroom and takes their seat next to each other.

"Why were you staring at the prom poster? Are you excited for it?" Clay asks

"Umm not really, i don't know just kinda zooned out i guess"

Clay smiles.

"Come on it will be fun! I swear we will find someone you can go with"

That idea doesn't sound that great but he smiles at Clay and nods. The teacher comes in and the class starts. It is english. George doesn't really focus, he knows he will do good in this class either way. He looks over at Clay who concentrates at their teacher. He is really pretty to look at.

When class is over everyone rushes out from the classroom. George picks up all his stuff and slowly makes his way out. Outside is Sapnap, Zak, Darryl and Vincent waiting for Clay and him.

"Hey dudes! Ready for lunch?" Sapnap asks with smile

"Of course! Come on let's goooooo!" Zak screams

"Don't be so loud you muffin" Darryl smacks the back of Zaks head and he lets out a small ow they all laugh as they make their way to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is already full of people and they all talk way to loud. They sit down at their usual table that is placed far back in a corner where it is a bit more quiet.

"So has anyone found a date yet for prom?" Vincent asks the group

"No not yet but i think i have a person who i wanna ask" Sapnap answers

"Oh really who?" Clay asks

"It is this girl in my art class name Tori, she is really sweet"

"Aww i hope she says yes" Darryl answers

After that George just kinda zones out. He really doesn't feel like going but he knows that his friends will force him to go. But who will he even go with? If all his friends finds a date then he will be completely alone, there is no way in hell that he wants to get a date for prom, George would probably much rather die. Of course his dream would be to go with Clay but he already knows that he doesn't feel the same way and that it will just be awkward. George gets snapped out of his thoughts by Zak.

"So George do you have a date yet?"

"No i don't and i really don't wanna have one" George sighs

"Come on George it will be fun and you can't just go alone" Clay complains

"Eh i would rather go alone than with someone"

"Don't be like that George we can help you!" Darryl suggests

"No please i really mean it i actually don't wanna go with anyone"

Clay sighs and gives everyone else a look to tell them to not continue the conversation and they all just shrugs and gives George a sad look. Clay doesn't really understand why George is so negative about prom, but he knows that he can't push it.

The rest of the day goes by rather quick. The bell rings and everyone gets ready to go home. George makes his way out to the front of the school where Clay stands waiting for him. Since they started being friends they have always walked home together after school. Clay notice George and waves at him.

"Ready to go home?" He asks with a smile

"Yeah please take me away from this hell hole" George dramatically says, Clay laughs at his friend being so dramatic.

They don't live far away from school so it only takes them about 15 minutes to walk home. And it is also such a nice way to walk. The road goes through a small forest where they often would hang out when they were younger. They quickly get home and say bye to the other. George rushes inside and quickly goes to his room and throws himself on his bed. Today has been an okay day but he knows it will go downhills from here since the prom is getting closer. He still doesn't know what to do. Should he go? Most likely he will because his friends will force him or maybe he can just play sick. George groans. Stupid prom. Maybe he should stop being such a coward and just ask Clay to go with him.

"Why does he have to be so cute and kind?" George groans

He thinks for a while, maybe this is the best chance to actually confess. Clay wouldn't stop talking to him because of this right? No their friendship is to important to be thrown away. It won't hurt to try George thinks.

Next day in school George is sitting in math class trying to figure out how to ask Clay to prom without embarrassing himself. Nothing big because if he says no then that will be sad. George doesn't really know what to do but he knows if he doesn't do it soon then it will be to late. Maybe today when they walk home together is a perfect time.

George and his friends all meet up at lunch as usual. He is the last one to come. Everyone else is already seated and in a full on discussion.

"George!!! How was math?" Clay asks when George takes a seat beside him

"Horrible as usual, i don't understand how she is still a teacher"

"Yeah i don't understand how she isn't fired yet" Vincent agrees

They all quickly change topic while George is in his own thoughts. He is worried that Clay will hate him forever and never talk to him again. Clay notice that George hasn't said much when he usually talks the most.

"You okay George?"

"Uh um yeah i am fine, just didn't sleep that well last night" It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either

Clay just nods and goes back to the other conversation and George breaths out. This day will be a slow one that's for sure.

George is the first one today and he is standing in front of the school waiting for Clay to come out. He feels so nervous, now was the time. George tells himself that everything will be alright. He takes a deep breath, he is ready.

"George!" He snaps his head to where he heard the scream coming from and sees Clay walking towards him

"Omg George you won't believe what happened at english today!" Clay said excited

"What happen?"

"You know that girl that sits behind me?"

"Madison?" Clay nods and smiles

"Yeah her, she asked me to go to prom with her! And she is just so pretty so i had to say yes!"

George's heart broke. He tried not to cry and just smiled instead.

"Oh, that is great Clay" He tried to sound happy but there was a crack at the end of the sentence. But it didn't seem like Clay noticed since he kept rambling about how great prom was gonna be.

The walk home felt like it was going slower than it usually is. George is trying to ignore his broken heart but it is hard since the person who broke it is beside him. Of course Clay wouldn't go with him, why would he? Clay is straight. That is just the painful reality. Maybe George just had to high expectations. But now he knows that prom really is gonna be hell. 

Prom Dress ~ DreamNotFoundDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora