
641 18 27

song: bellyache by billie eilish

tw: graphic descriptions of dead bodies, murder, death, violence, abuse, mental disorders, mental hospital, weapons, suicidal thoughts

draco giggled softly to himself as he took the wrapper off the pastel pink bubblegum. he looked at the piece of bubblegum before he popped it in his mouth happily. he chewed on it for a few moments before he pursed his lips and blew a big bubble. as it popped, draco couldn't help but notice it sounded like the small gun that lay beside him.

he was sat alone in the driveway of an abandoned house, stones digging into his legs but draco didn't mind the pain. a little bit of pain was good now and again, draco thought. pain reminded him that even though his sanity had gone long ago, he was still a human.

draco blew another bubble, admiring the pretty pink colour, before standing up. he brushed the dust off his cornflower blue flares and looked at harry's white sweater that was tucked into his flares. draco frowned when he spotted a spot of red. he licked his finger and rubbed against the mark but it didn't go away. draco sighed before deciding he would sort it out later.

draco picked up the small gun and slipped it into the waistband of his jeans next to his knife. draco loved his knife, he thought it was very pretty. it had a dark green handle with a snake engraved on it, his daddy had given it to him. draco skipped happily over to his car and opened the boot. he grinned at the sight, he knew his friends weren't far. draco had almost forgotten that they were laying here in the back of the stolen car.

pretty hermione with brown, curly hair lay with a slit across her tanned throat. beautiful pansy with deep, red lipstick lay with a single hole in her head. handsome blaise with smooth, chestnut skin lay there with two stab wounds directly above his heart. draco couldn't help but feel as if it would look better if fiery ron with hundreds of freckles was here too but fiery ron moved away long ago when draco's mind had started to leave.

"bye bye." draco giggled before shutting the boot.

draco leant against the stolen car and smiled, blowing another bubble. the 'pop' was the only sound that could be heard but not for long. draco knew the sirens would be here pretty soon, along with the big men that would take him back to the hospital he had escaped from a few days earlier.

draco didn't like the hospital. they locked him in a room and tied his hands together. they fed him pills that made him feel sleepy and slow. they wouldn't let him see harry either and that made draco angry. draco remembered a time when they didn't tie his hands together, they had told him he couldn't see harry and draco nearly strangled the nurse to death. draco didn't think he deserved to have his hands tied together, it was the nurses fault anyway. it was the nurse who told him he couldn't see harry when the nurse should've know that no one kept him away from harry.

harry kept him safe. harry was where his mind was.

draco knew that they would also be looking for the money that he stole from his mama and daddy. his mama was already dead when he returned to the empty walls of his old house, she was laying on the sofa with a needle stuck in her arm. he stabbed his daddy to death when he came home. draco didn't feel any guilt as he kept plunging the knife in and out of his daddy because it was his daddy's fault that his mind left his head. his daddy beat him and locked him outside during storms.

draco counted on his fingers how many people were dead now. the old church lady, pretty hermione, beautiful pansy and handsome blaise. oh, and he couldn't forget lovely, pretty, handsome harry. draco brought his pale hand to his lips and began to bite his nails. he was too young to go to jail but still, draco giggled at the thought of him in jail. he imagined his beautiful face and slender figure among the big and burly men. draco wondered what the men would do to him, would they leave him alone or would they use him like his daddy used him?

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