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Y'all love me?🤧
I swear I spoil tf outta you mfs fa no reason.. y'all can't say I'm not elite cuz I am
Y'all still happy bout that luh kiss?
ANYWAYS: chapter dedication ~ prettygirlni_x
If you want a chapter dedicated to you tell me your favourite character AT THE END and why 🌚❤️

Lani | Kehlani

He really kissed me though..

I follow him to the door but before we could get in someone calls his name.

"Ayo Luh K!" I hear a deep voice shout. I look up and see a guy jogging towards us. He looks me up and down before smiling and looking away.

"That's you?" He asks pointing at me.

Could be.. sike Nah shut up

"Nigga shut the fuck up.. whatchu want?" KJ says mugging him.

"We playing basketball later you joinin?" The guy asks.

He plays basketball?

"Ion know.. I got shit ta handle but imma be out there either today or another day who there?" KJ responds trying to see the faces. I step away from the conversation and lean my head against the door waiting for him to finish. I watch him stop mid sentence as he looks over at me.

"Imma catch you later Ight?" KJ says dapping him up.

"Ight then and it was nice meeting you" The guy says smiling at me. I smile a little before getting up from the door and walking in.

"Laniiiii!" Both Liyah and Niya says smiling.

I missed them and it's only been a couple hours.

I walk over to them both and hug them before sitting in between.

"We missed you girl.. these fat heads been getting on our nerves all fuckin day" Liyah says eyeing Zi and Kyro playing the game.

"Wanted yo be on the game the whole time then when we wanted to go to the shop by ourselves they said no.." Niya scoffs making me laugh.

"Not y'all being held hostage" I say laughing.

Before anyone could say anything, I hear Dime running out Ti's room crying.

"Lala!" She cries walking up to me.

Here she go.

I pick her up and place her on my lap.

"What's wrong baby.." I ask. Ti comes walking out her room looking annoyed.

"Lani she kept throwing my dolls and stuff on the floor and she was gonna rip my drawing so I took it from her" Ti says holding up a picture.

"Lord it's gonna be a long one ain't it.." Niya says shaking her head.

"Dime you don't take people's things without asking.. that's what naughty girls do.. are you a naughty girl?" Lani asks wiping her tears.

"I not naughty" Dime says sniffing.

"Okay then can you say sorry to TiTi?"

"I sowy.." she says lowly laying her head on my chest.

She a baby for real.

"It's okay.. I can give you this barbie but you can't take the clothes off." Ti says holding up a black barbie doll with a fro. She hands it to Dime making her smile a little.

"What do you say?" I ask.

"Tenks TiTi" She says smiling.

"It's okay.. you wanna come play with me now?" Ti asks.


"I want stay with LaLa" Dime says getting comfortable on my lap.

"I- okay.. KJ can we watch TV now they been on the game since we got home". Ti asks KJ. He walks around and sits on the other side of the couch before answering.

"Yeah.. go put your toys and stuff back then you can put your shows on" KJ responds as Ti walks away. I look over at him only to realise he's staring so I look away.

But that kiss though. His lips soft as hell.. shoot

"Y'all hear that? The princess wants to watch her shows get up and off the game" Liyah says making me laugh.

"Who?" Zi asks turning around.

"TiTi.. she coming back to watch TV so move y'all asses up from that seat" Niya adds on. They both suck their teeth and get up as soon as Ti comes out.

This luh girl has niggas on ropes? Is it her brother?

"Okay we're all gonna watch something together okay? But I get to pick" Ti says taking the remote and going to Netflix.

Look at her being a leader.

"Lala I want paci" Dime asks looking up at me. My grandma and her parents been trying to get her off her paci and bottle but they're finding it hard as hell. Everytime they hide it the girl throws a fit so they give it to her.

"Unt unt youu dont need your paci Dime, you a big girl" I say hoping she doesn't cry.

"Nooo I want paci Lala" she whines rubbing her eyes.


"Dime you're not gonna get the paci grams said no". I respond. As soon as I do she cries.

"Baby you don't need the paci.. come on" I say but she ignores me and continues to cry.

"Aww Dime you want candy? Lemme go get you candy" Liyah says but she still doesn't listen and her cries get louder.

"Chile my ears. Lemme get her" Niya says trying to take her off my lap but she refuses.

"Dime come on..." I say trying to stand her up. She climbs back on my lap and buries her head into the hoodie I'm wearing ignoring everyone.

"Cuh I forgot how loud these kids can get" Zi says looking at Dime.

"I'm saying.. why she can't have the pacifier?" Kyro asks.

"She's 3 going on 4 and her parents want her off before she starts public school. They shoulda been getting her off when she was 2.. now I gotta deal with this" I respond pointing at Dime still crying.

"LaLa I sleepy.." she says looking up at me. I wipe her tears and kiss her forehead.

"Okay you can go to sleep then.." I say rubbing her back

"I want paci.." She whines again making me smack my lips. Before I could say anything KJ gets up.

"C'mere" he says holding his arms out. Dime looks at him and holds her arms out letting him pick her up from me. He goes back to where he was sitting and puts Dime on his lap.

"Whatchu cryin fa?" He asks as she wipes her tears.

"I want paci.." She responds. I watch the way he interacts with her and I'm not gonna lie it's cute.

"Awww look at themmm" Liyah whispers nudging me. I smile a little but shake it off before he looks at me.

"Imma go to the shop wit her real quick" He says getting up and picking Dime up.

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