tell me your happiest moments, mine was during the interview.
"ji be nice you can't keep giving them that fierce face", someone says.
"but mom..", i says, "they need to be trained how to handle stress", i smiles.
"whatever doesn't complain to me if no one wants to work with you..", she says.
i laughs at her jokes and turn to face the secretary asking her to bring the next person to be interviewed.
i flip the paper and stop
"mom...!", i gasps.
"what's wrong son?", she looks at me, panic.
"i---i----i---", i pauses, she groans and says, "the next person is about to enter the room, you better finish your words.."
i look at her and smiles, "MOM IT'S HIM", she looks at me confused, "who's him?"
"I FOUND HIM, MOM, I FOUND HIM", i yells, thank god there's only me and mom inside the room.
"who's him?", she asks.
"oh..", she pauses, "WHAT?", she gasps.
"THIS IS HIM MOM, SEUNGRI", i show her the resume and jump happily.
but then----
*knock knock*
"SHIT HE'S HERE", i run to my table, fixing my hair, tie and even spray some perfume.
mom laughs and me and says, "you really like him?", i nods frantically, making her laugh even more.
"come in", i says, and the door open.
that's it. i die. how can someone looks so beautiful in just a plain suit? he has his hair fixed, making him ten times cuter and sexier.
can i just go and grope that peachy ass? not to mention about his kissable lips that ive been dreaming about kissing it. or those soft hand of him, that makes me wanna hold and don't want to let go.
his smiley face, pinkish cheeks, brown hair and delicately shaped eyebrows make me crazy.
and if i keep fantasizing about him, i may lose my control.
"...ji?", someone snaps me off.
"huh? what?", i asks.
she looks at me and points at seungri, "he has been waiting for you to ask questions".
"what?", i says and turn my face.
seungri was there, sitting quietly, smiling at me, damn he shoots a bullet right through my heart.
" name is seungri..", i says, trying to concentrate.
my hand is shaking and im sweating, just the thought of him looking at me waiting for me to ask him question makes me really nervous.
"so... are you single?", i blurts.
mom gasps and hits me on the head, i panic and covering my mouth, not knowing what should i do.
he laughs and that's it, "you can start tomorrow", i says.
he looks at me confused, and says, "but you haven't asked anything questions"
"w....we need someone like you in the office..", i pause, he looks at me and tilt his head, "i- no we need someone as cheerful as you", i says.
"oh.. i will give my best", he says and smiles, he stand up and walk to the table, "thank you", he says and bows.
i stand up immediately and bows, mom looks at me and laughs
he walks to the door and closes the door.
"you're biasing him", mom laughs.
"can we let go just for this one, plus his resume is excellent", i pouts.
"you will get to meet him starting tomorrow", she smirks.
i gasps and touch my heart, "mom he shoots me right here".
"i am in love with him mom", i says.

two life
Fanfictionseungri is an ordinary officer. he loves his job and is a diligent worker, he never complains about his job except for one thing, he dislikes his boss. "i should burn his house when h,e sleeps", is the only thing that comes out from his mouth every...