Stacy: So who's phone are we gonna use to call them
Devon: We could use my phone it has No Called ID
Stacy: Ok Call Them
(Stacy , Tomahawk , And Dul watch as Devon calls The Human Rights Organization)
Stacy: Any Luck
Devon: They said they have no power over bullying
Dul: There has to be something we can do
Stacy: Well my friend Joey I could ask him for help his mom is a lawyer and plus he is bisexual and in the closet and I'm currently his only friend he would love some more friends
Dul: Why doesn't he have any friends
Stacy: He is really scared he will be forced to come out of the closet
Tomahawk: Of course we aren't gonna out him of the closet
Devon: But will he ever backstab us like ever
Stacy: Of course he won't. But why would you think he would
Devon: I've made a lot of friends over the years a lot of people have backstabbed me. I don't have the best trust with me people.
Stacy: Well, Yes Devon he won't backstab you
Dul: What is Joey like
Stacy: He can be really nice but he does cuss a lot but he also is kinda shy
Tomahawk: Well let's go meet Joey he seems hella awesome

Cube Smp Middle
FanfictionHey everybody so this story is about how there lives was like while they where in middle just to be noted not all the people are cube members though. But it's a great story so far. Also this story will contain people who aren't on the cube I have ad...