The Call

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Stacy: So who's phone are we gonna use to call them
Devon: We could use my phone it has No Called ID
Stacy: Ok Call Them
(Stacy , Tomahawk , And Dul watch as Devon calls The Human Rights Organization)
Stacy: Any Luck
Devon: They said they have no power over bullying
Dul: There has to be something we can do
Stacy: Well my friend Joey I could ask him for help his mom is a lawyer and plus he is bisexual and in the closet and I'm currently his only friend he would love some more friends
Dul: Why doesn't he have any friends
Stacy: He is really scared he will be forced to come out of the closet
Tomahawk: Of course we aren't gonna out him of the closet
Devon: But will he ever backstab us like ever
Stacy: Of course he won't. But why would you think he would
Devon: I've made a lot of friends over the years a lot of people have backstabbed me. I don't have the best trust with me people.
Stacy: Well, Yes Devon he won't backstab you
Dul: What is Joey like
Stacy: He can be really nice but he does cuss a lot but he also is kinda shy
Tomahawk: Well let's go meet Joey he seems hella awesome

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