Chapter 7

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6:27 a.m.


My limbs were still tingling. My cheeks were warm. Every inch of my skin felt alive, and awake, and on fire...

"What?" Tita Carmen yelled from her room, across the hall.

"Nothing, sorry!"

For the next three minutes, until the alarm clock finally rang, I had my hands pressed against my eyes, hoping that would take me back to where I was. But it didn't work, because my goddess dreams were like actual sleep dreams, in that I couldn't just put myself back in them.

And then, once my mind started to really wake up, and the tingling started to fade, guilt started to settle in too. That was a very intimate moment I had just seen. Didn't know whose memory it was, but I hope she didn't know I was there, like, co-experiencing her moment with Quin. Should I be doing research on the other gods? This one had like really long pale hair. Not blond, but really pale brown. And had beautiful, slender hands. And flawless skin, sun-kissed, unnaturally glowing.

Who looked like that among them?

Did it even matter, when they could change the way they looked anyway? And if I found out who it was, would I even apologize? How could I?

She shouldn't be angry. I couldn't control this. And besides, she was the lucky one. I was...

Was I jealous? But I had no right to be. I just had a really really great night with Robbie. It was perfect. My dreams should have been filled with sexy fantasies about him. I should have been waking up the following morning in a contagiously happy mood. With that silly smile that the jaded single people would love to rub off my face.

I was about to have a love life. People should have been jealous of me today, for once.

So not fair.

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