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"The fairest of the Greek goddesses was Demeter by eons, and she was deeply in love with Beaumont Alexander. Her pure heart was finally united with the other half of her soul, and it would remain that way for the rest of time. It was atop a familiar tall hill that she sat, that once held Ancient Greek colonies now had magnificent structures visible in the distance. Only now, she was not alone. One palm pressed to the earth that she would nurture agin someday while the other held the hand of her soul mate. She sighed with contentment, knowing that this place was perfect.

Above them, on Mount Olympus, Zeus and Hera watched their sister fall in love so deeply that they were reminded of earlier times when their hearts, too, felt the same gallop in their immortal chests. It was then that Hera remembered the beauty behind her gift, something she had all but lost appreciation for. Her jealousy was unnecessary, as it always had been. After serving her sentence with Hades and acquiring her gift once again, she realized that when she cast her gift onto Demeter, she lost a part of herself, and the unhappiness she felt with her gift turned into agony without it. She understood now, why each god and goddess was given the gifts they had, and she would do well to remember it. Now it was Zeus' turn to look after her and ensure that Demeter remained happy while mortal without the interference from Hera.

From below, Hades was beginning to earn his strength back. As Demeter aged and fell more in love with Beau, he didn't need to use so much strength to ensure Demeter had a happy life. He could feel a shift in the air with fall fast approaching, and prepared to welcome Persephone back home with open arms and a strongly beating heart.

Time passed, and Demeter found herself standing atop the tall hill once again. The trees were painted with orange, red, and brown leaves, and a light breeze fluttered her veil. Flowing white lace trailed behind her as Will escorted her towards Beau, brandished in a grey suit and soft blue tie. He had filled out his tall frame, a dashing beard adorned his face, and his smiling eyes were glistening slightly. Demeter approaches him eagerly; in her one hand she held a bouquet of bluebells and baby's breath, her vows were held in the other, and a brilliant smile lit up her face seeing as all her dreams were coming true. Tracy smiled with slight tears in her eyes, and soft blue hair complemented by a light grey dress, she stood by Demi while Will stood beside Beau. Together, as a family, they partook in an intimate ceremony that solidified the bonds of love and eternity.

The tall hill was was frigid and cold despite the layers the pair wore. Still, they smiled and laughed, and discussed important topics to come in their lives. Demeter had one gloved palm tightly clapping Beau's while the other pressed against her swollen abdomen. Just a couple more months before they met a beautiful little girl. Over time, they had another daughter and two sons. All of them loved to draw, and all of them were told stories of the gods and goddesses that lived in Olympus. All of them believed.

Beau and Demi sat atop the tall hill once again, a renewed strength in their frail bodies as they watched their grandchildren run to the top of the hill and roll all the way down.
"I love you," they murmured in sync, and gently sealed their vows to one another with a kiss. Hera smiled at the beauty she witnessed in her sister, a family she truly deserved. Hades discussed with the fates and bargained. Time was coming to a close, but he wanted them to fall into the new world together. The fates finally agreed.

It was the first day of spring, Hades watched as the fates snipped two threads in sync, and waited for the two new gods to greet Charon. Then, he would escort them towards the gates of Olympus. Together."

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