As the game started and I had to defend the same girl as last time. I guess her name was Sammy, well that's what they called her. She was throwing elbows again, and some how they didn't hurt as bad this time. It was making me so mad that they didn't call her on it. I got really mad so I threw her an elbow that was so had she stumbled backwards and fell to the ground and started crying. I usually don't throw elbows or anything so I didn't usually get a fowl. This time was different though, I didn't care. I got back to the benches as they got her off the court. All my team was like was that you, did you make her cry, woah what'd you do to her?? So I told them all what happened exactly, then they started saying that I was really mean, but oh well. I looked over at the girl, she was sitting directly across from me starring at me with an ice pack held to her elbow. I didn't feel bad at all either. Last time she knocked me out cold! I saw her walk out onto the court again and went up to coach to ask if I could go back in, but all he said was JO! Was that you that made her cry?? Yeah I said kinda proud. Well no more fouls alright, we need you. So can I play now?? Yeah go ahead. I went out onto the court an again for the third time I was defending Sammy and she was throwing elbows. I was gonna flip shit on this girl!! Really?!?! I screamed in her face. Your gonna throw more elbows at me?? I'll elbow you in the face!!!! Really!! I am! She said. Wanna go?? I yelled in her face. My team came over to try to calm me down but it was to late, I was all fired up. Sammy went to throw a punch but I ducked and it hit Josh right in the face and he got a bloody nose. That just made me so mad!! There was probably steam coming out of my ears. I went to slap her but instead I punched her right square in the face. She stumbled backwards but caught herself. All I was thinking was that I wanted to rip this girls head off and that I wasn't gonna be able to play for the rest of the game. Great! Now I'm so pissed off that I don't think it's possible to be that pissed off at one person. Clearly its possible! Sammy came back and went to slap me but I grabbed her arm and nearly broke it in half. She fell to the floor and I started punching her in the head, then all of a sudden I got rocked right in the head. WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM!!!!!!!! It was Sammy! I shoved her back onto the floor an punched her a good one then the refs came and broke it up. Coach took me out into the hall to see if I was alright, but I knew what was coming. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT OUT THERE JO!!!!! He was fuming mad. She started it coach, you saw her throw the first punch. It hit Josh, no one hurts my teammates. Well awesome that you wanted to defend him and all but we needed you and you let us down! He stormed off. Wow! I feel like a piece of shit now. All of a sudden I saw Sammy coming into the hall. Oh god! If she wanted to finish this it would have to be later. I went into the bathroom and she followed me. She went to clean up her face, it was all bloody. She starred at me the whole time I was in the bathroom. I thought she was gonna kill me, but I wasn't scared. I just went back and sat down on the bench with Josh who's nose had just stopped bleeding. Sorry I said to him. Don't be sorry Jo. That was awesome!!! You so kicked her ass!!! Thanks I guess, but now I can't play until next game. That sucks. Yeah tell me about it. I watched the rest of the game and we ended up winning. 42-9!

I Should've Been a Boy
Teen FictionJo isn't the girly girl type. She's more into sports and hunting and stuff, but could that all change! Possibly when her accident makes her forget everything.