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After a night of drinking and cooking, Haru and Daisuke are sitting in Haru's apartment watching his favorite detective show and drinking potato soju. By now both of them are completely wasted. Haru is ranting and crying about the show but Daisuke just can't seem to focus on it. The room is really cozy and Haru's sweet scent on the red hoodie makes the rich man start to feel sleepy.

As the night progresses Haru and Daisuke slowly move closer and closer to each other. A couple hours into the show and Daisuke has finally dozed off into a sweet dream with a small smile on his face. He now lays happily asleep with a belly full of Haru's cooking and his head in the other's lap. Haru is still ranting and crying about his show.

After another hour of incoherent mumbling and drinking, Haru finally realizes that the smaller, richer man had fallen into a deep sleep right on top of him. He stared at his soft, smiling face in awe.

"Is this really the same guy who let me fall off a bridge that day? He looks too sweet to be him." Haru whispered to himself. Daisuke still lay there with his head in Haru's lap and a subtle smile on his face.

Mind still hazy from the hours of potato soju, Haru hunched over and pushed back Daisuke's soft bangs, placing a light kiss on the sleeping man's forehead. Drunken thoughts started to fill Haru's head. One day I'll be able to do that while you're awake. But until that day, I'm happy to be like this. The idea of them living together like that brought a smile and a pink blush to his face. He'd tell him all this some day, just not now.

Haru glanced over to the clock and realized that it was getting pretty late. He picks up Daisuke and carries him over to the bed. After setting him down, Haru picks up the blanket and gets in himself. He held the smaller man close as he dozed off as well. By then both Haru and Daisuke were sound asleep with soft smiles on their faces and the scents of each other and potato soju filling their dreams.

The End💴🌸

Potato Soju Smiles (DaiHaru One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now