Jade's POV
"Jade... Jade? JADE!" Liam screamed in my ear, waking me up.
It's been a few weeks since we left the doctor's office, I remembered a few more things but not a lot...
"What?" I said in my raspy morning voice. I rubbed my eyes and tried to look up at him, but I was blinded my the sun shining into my room.
"Guess what today is?" He said cheerfully.
"FRIDAY!" I screamed, throwing the blanket over my face. "On Fridays I sleep in!" I whined.
"No silly goose, it is OUR-day..." he said, pulling the blanket off my face.
About a week after I got back home from the doctor's office, Liam thought we didn't spend enough time together... so I promised him today will be our-day.
"Right, so...what are we doing?" I asked, trying to get out of my warm bed.
"Well, I thought we could-" he began...
"WHAT THE HELL THE FLOOR IS FREEZING!" I screamed, jumping on Liam's back so my feet won't sting.
Liam laughed and carried me away.
"Where. Are. We. Going?" I asked, bobbing up and down on his back.
"Um..." he mumbled, smirking.
"STOP!" I yelped as he took me outside. The cold air pierced my skin, I rubbed my hands together to keep warm.
"Stop you say?" he smiled, setting me down in the snow.
"WHY IS SNOW OUTSIDE?" I screamed, trying to get back on my feet. "IT WAS SUNNY!"
He just laughed and threw a snowball at me, getting my clothes wet.
"Oh no Payne, you aren't getting away with that one..." I muttered, trying to make a big snowball... suddenly I got pounded with another. "LIAM!" I yelled, chasing after him.
When I finally reached him, he took my snowball and held it up high. I reached for it, on the tips of my toes, but I still couldn't reach it.
"I. Hate. You." I mumbled and walked away.
He ran up to me and grabbed my arm, "Baby, don't go! I need youuu!" he said in an over dramatic voice.
I walked towards the door, holding in a laugh. He still clung on, and spun me around.. looking into my eyes
"L-Liam.. stop.." I muttered, looking at my feet.
"Stop what?" He asked, lifting up my chin so I am forced to face him.
"St..Stop looking at me like that.." I said, blushing.
I'm not exactly sure what happened before the crash.. but I know it had something to do with Liam. The way he looked at me.. it just..just.. I'm not even sure. The feeling was indescribable... I always felt so nervous around him, but at the same time I felt comfortable with him.
"Like what?" he smiled, knowing what he was doing..
"Ok fine, I'll help you get up.." he said lifting me up but of course, clumsy me slipped and fell right on top of him again, also causing my lips to crash on his, my heart was beating a millions miles a second,neither of us pulled away at first, because we were both in shock but I quickly pulled back after it was clear that we needed to go.
Then he lifted my over his shoulder and pretended like nothing happened "put me down!" I screamed smiling, kicking, and laughing.
"You have to do me a favorite first...." he said looking me straight in the eyes-
Another flashback...I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. My cheeks burned red. I pulled away, running inside. I could hear him shouting my name but I ignored him. Why do I only remember him? Did I love him..? Do I love him...?
Something isn't right... I didn't notice it, but Harry was watching me the whole time... my eyes were shut, and I was talking to myself
"Jade, " he whispered, sitting next to me. "Are you alright?" he asked, his eyes full of concern
"I.. don't know... why do I feel like this? Why is it just Liam?"
He glanced at me... he was... angry. He looked right in my eyes like Liam did, but this felt..different...very different...
I suddenly lost my train of thought. I relaxed, actually enjoying his soft, warm lips on mine. Wait.. what did I just say? My mind went completely blank as i closed my eyes and suddenly I was kissing him back. I forgot all about Liam, and Danielle. I wrapped my arms around his neck closing any space there was between us. He placed his tongue on my lips, begging for the entrance. When he knew I wasn't going to open my mouth anytime soon, he slapped my butt, hard.
I opened my mouth in shock and he slid his tongue in my mouth.-
I stared at him.. this was the first flashback without Liam in it.. was Harry... my.. "is it..you then?" I asked, so soft I'm surprised he heard me.
"Liam doesn't love you.. he isn't your boyfriend.." Harry stated, slipping his hand in mine.
"-but I thought.."
"He loves Danielle.." Harry said, inching closer to me.
I slammed the door shut and stomped up to my room. My knees felt shaky and I collapsed ontop of my bed. I knew he was probably following me... I don't really care. I pretty much just said how much he means to me, and he goes off and kisses...her.
"Jade...Jade!" Liam says rushing in my room.
"Liam, please... get out" I said, choking over my words. I tried my best to hold back the tears.
"Jade, I'm sorry-" he began, sitting next to me.
"No, No Liam I AM sorry, I am sorry for trusting you" I coldly looked away and sighed loudly.
"Jade, she pressed me against the wall..I didn't kiss her back!" he raised his voice, searching for my eyes.-
I gasped, remembering that day. I bursted out in tears.. crying a river.
Harry wiped my tears and pulled me closer to him. "Liam isn't your boyfriend... but I am"
ooooh :)
Thank you all so much! It is so much fun to write this for you, I love all of my readers :)
I have a few questions...
1) who is your favorite character?
2) did you like the ch. ?
3) what do you want to happen in future chapters?
I love you! :)

Don't Let Me Go
FanfictionWill you marry me?"my voice cracking as I barley whispered the last word, pulling out the diamond ring. She looked at me with..guilt in her eyes? "Liam..." she started. I just kept my hopful gaze into her big beautiful eyes "I think we need a break...