F#ck Me

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It had been a relatively normal day. He'd woken up to the sound of running water, dishes clanking together, the washing machine tumbling in the last few minutes of its cycle and the oh so delicious smell of waffles.

Scratching at his naked chest he descended the stairs at a slow pace, his eyes still lidded from sleep.

"Hey hun, get out the washing for me while I plate you some breakfast." The dried clothes were in a basket in no less than a minute. "You should really stop breaking into my house mum." Said woman smiled cheekily and pinched his cheeks with her wet hands.

"You can't even take care of yourself hunny bun. Your sink was full to the brim was dishes and your smelly clothes were everywhere." He put on a weak smile but he really felt his heart crumble a little. He was working hard to earn a living but he wasn't even living.

"Don't look so bummed out dear. I'm going to go get you some groceries, Kay? Have a shower but don't you dare start my drama without me." She pecked her son on both cheeks, grabbed her handbag and left humming a soft tune.

His mother had always been a woman with a soft heart, what he didn't know was that her pure heart was going to be what got her killed.

Hoseok gobbled up the food, had a quick shower and was walking out the bathroom door with a towel sitting snug on his bare shoulders when he heard the doorbell ring. His mother couldn't have taken such a short time as the nearest supermarket was about 15 minutes away and Hoseok's mother was picky about what she bought.

Confused, he decided he'd answer the door anyway. Outside stood a petite woman fumbling with her hands and a little boy with both hands grasping tightly at his Iron Man backpack straps. The woman donned the same doe eyes as the little boy, her long eyelashes fluttering every time she blinked. The boy was hopping from foot to foot murmuring happily to himself.

When she spoke her voice was frantic.
"Can you look after him for an hour or so? Please? His name is Kim Jungkook. I'll give you money. Please!" A few notes were shoved into his hands and the boy, Kim Jungkook, was shoved into his apartment. He stood dazed for a few seconds before he hurried outside and yelled for the woman.

"Come back! I don't know how to look after a kid!" The woman however was long gone which left him the child. Hoseok and children absolutely did not belong in the same sentence.

He spun slowly on his heel to face the kid who had his brow furrowed as he rubbed at his eye. "So...Jungkook...I guess I'm your babysitter for however long till your mother comes back." The short demon grinned and suddenly lunged at his legs to hug them. "Woah kid..." Then the kid was grabbing at his limp hand and dragging him to sit on the rug in front of the tv.

He was doing that same thing, talking to himself. "So...can you talk?" Jungkook jumped at the question but nodded eagerly as he began to talk louder and to his new babysitter.

"Yes, Kookie can talk! I am 3! I like banana milk and apple juice!" He said with happy little gasps, raising 4 fingers instead of four. Hoseok leaned over to gently place down his index. "That's 3." Jungkook's delighted giggles shook his whole body as he rummaged through his bag whilst talking to Hoseok. The shirtless man noticed the boy had a lisp.

"Hey um...let's put you down for a nap? Yeah?" Truthfully Hoseok had no idea if 3 year olds went down for morning naps but was proven they did when Jungkook got up and plopped himself down on the couch with the baby blue blanket he'd pulled from his blanket.

"Sleep sleep now. Night night." And then he was out. Wow. Hoseok stared wide eyed at the little body. What the fuck just happened.

People really liked his apartment it seemed. First his mother started to break in and then this...thing was taking up two couch cushions. He was rather short for the average 3 year old, with sparkly eyes and cute bunny teeth. His chest rose and fell with the little puffs of breath he took through his nose while Hoseok stared into the distance.

A sound rang throughout the apartment, but it wasn't the doorbell this time. Instead it was a loud bang from outside of the door followed by a low guttural groan. He jumped to his feet, staring at the windows on his door with an arm clutched to his chest. Was it a bear or something? It didn't sound human.

A gasp was ripped from his throat at the sight presented through the small for him.

His mother, or rather some twisted version of her with sickly green and rotten skin and chunks of her stomach missing, wasn't banging relentlessly on his door. She wasn't snarling at him through the window like some wild animal. It couldn't be. He turned to look at the kid. He wasn't safe right now, and that wasn't his mother anymore.

His moves were hasty as he grabbed some paper and dampened it under the tap to stick it to the windows then some tea towels to stick inside the small gap just underneath the door. One or two zombie movies had seen his eyes in his lifetime. He didn't know but maybe his scent or the sight of him made this...thing hungry.

With teary eyes he glanced between the door and the kid. What was he supposed to do?


A. Hoseok lives on the first floor and the bins are located right next to his bedroom window. Get Jungkook and get out.

B. Food. It's a priority. And weapons too. Get a bag and fill it with weapons, there was no food other than the lone cucumber in his fridge, then take Jungkook and get out through the bedroom window.

C. Lock Jungkook in the bathroom and go. Maybe he could come back for him later. If not he'd leave the boy to starve to death, he didn't know the kid anyway.

D. Take the fire extinguisher next to the door and take out his mother, take Jungkook and alert the neighbors or perhaps raid their houses for essentials.

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