"any last words?" the tall boy said, voice void of emotion as he stared at the boy he pinned at the edge of the alley.
"wh-who a-are you?" the beaten-up boy said, fear clearly present in his voice. the tall boy just smirked.
"listen carefully, dickhead. i'm being generous today. i would normally beat people up until they're pooled up in their own blood and they lay there, unconscious. so, unless you have a death wish, you will go back to wherever you fucking live and not tell a soul about what happened to you. note this down in your head: never EVER play with my sister again. i hope to never see you again, bitch."
with that, he blew one last punch at the poor boy's stomach, resulting him to cough out blood and fall to the ground with nearly no energy left in him.
if you're wondering what his job is, he's a street fighter. going around the city, making bets for average amounts of money but also working for people who asked the favor to beat other people's asses. he enjoyed what he did, not to mention he was quite popular at school, although not the most popular.
the tall boy made his way out of the alley, satisfied with his mission today. "i'm finished for today. now, never contact me again" he said to the piercing-shaped earpiece. "good job, pwj80. i knew you could beat up that fucker's ass. thanks for taking the revenge for me" the other line said. with that, the line was cut and the youngster made his way back home.
this is seoul, capital of zone: neo, as people know it. the city of jeopardy and peril to no extent.
and he is park jisung, ace street fighter.
Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
[a/n: okay so if you're confused, the "note" that jisung says to the people he beats up is the message from the person who asked the favor. that's why jisung was never caught since people can't figure out his family and relatives.
if you want to contact him, there's a special app/website (i haven't think this through but i'll stick to this idea, though it completely makes no sense at all. so, everyone is free to think of their own ideas and go along with the story :3) that can help reach him. they would ask for the code name and after saying the code, the app/website will send a message to the intended person.
in this case, jisung's code name is pwj80. pwj for pwark jisung :3 and 80 is the sum of jisung's name in numbers (10 + 9 + 19 + 21 + 14 + 7). i hope this was all clear for you! i just wanted to make everyone understand so they won't get confused as the story continues forward. also, please don't forget to vote if you want to :D]
{u p d a t e ¡ !} this idea was a flop so let's just stick to normal street fighting