Chapter 1

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October 23


"Another day in this miserable place" I said to myself as I walk through the school doors. It was nothing new since my friends decided to ditch me for the popular group. My parents were no better when they came alcoholic after we were behind on a lot of bills while my father lost his job. I felt like it was the whole world against me and yet what have I done to deserve this kind of treatment. When I arrive to my class, I sat in my usual spot that had four empty desks around me.

When the bell rung and everyone was seated, the teacher came up to the front. "Alright class we're going to have new students joining us and I want you to welcome them with kindness" She said as I look to the door to see four guys walking in. I could hear the girls giggling and whispering how handsome they were tho I silently agree with them. "Alright that enough, boys why don't you go have a seat next miss L/n over there" The teacher said as the guys look towards my direction. Every girl in the classroom was glaring my direction as the guys came over and took their seat.

Great these guys are going to be my death wish from now on. As the teacher begin the section I felt someone staring at me as I look to see the one of the guys was looking at me:

 As the teacher begin the section I felt someone staring at me as I look to see the one of the guys was looking at me:

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"What you looking at?" I ask quietly to not disturb the teacher lesson. "Looking at a sad girl that is lonely and could use some company" I was surprise by his words but I didn't say anything and look back to take notes. "That would be nice.." I quietly said to myself as I ignore the guy next to me. After there about ten minutes left of class. The teacher gave us the free time before it was time to head to the next class.

I was reading a book I brought from home til I saw someone standing in front of me as I look up to see who it was. It was another one of the guys but this one was light dirty blonde hair:

"Is there something you need?" I ask nicely since he and his friends were new here and I didn't want to be rude

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"Is there something you need?" I ask nicely since he and his friends were new here and I didn't want to be rude. "I came over to see you since we didn't get the chance to greet each other" He said leaning again my desk as I put my bookmark on the page I was reading and closed the book. "How kind of you, since we have only four minutes left of class I guess we can greet each other now" I got up and he held his hand out for me to shake and I did. "Hongjoong and those guys over there who was around you were San, Yeosang and Mingi" Hongjoong said as it was my turn to introduce myself. "Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you Hongjoong" I said as I look at the guys that were watching us an have them a wave of hello with my hand. They waved back right before the bell rung and everyone left for their next class.

Walking down the hallway to my next class, I felt someone hands on my back and shoved me forward. "Ack!" I fell down to my knee as I heard laugher behind me. It was my ex-friends as I look behind to see them all more girly them usual. "Well well if it isn't the lonely pathetic Y/n" Danny said as I let out a sigh and begin to pick up the items I drop when I fell. When I picked them all up while they were saying shit I didn't care to hear as I begin to walk again not wanting to be late to class.

As I arrive to class, the bell rang and I took my seat. Once again we had New students in the class but this time there only two. I had an two empty seats behind and in front of me where they took their seats. Half way through class time, the teacher decided to call it a day since he had tests to complete. Since I had about 20 to 15 minutes left, I decided to read my book again to pass the time.

I was enjoy the time to myself til I saw someone snag my book from me. "Hey I was reading that!" I said reaching for my book a student took from me. "Why read a book when your not going to get smart by it" The student said holding the book high in the air were I can't reach it.

I hated being short since I couldn't get anything back with my height. As the student continues to being a dick and holding my book in the air, One of the new students came up behind them an took the book. "Don't be rude to the girl, don't be a dick" He said handing me back my book before standing next to my desk. "Tsk, no one cares anyways so why bother" The student said walking away annoyed be left me lone. "Thank you" I said looking at the new student who got my book back:

"Your welcome" He said before heading towards his friend that watched the whole thing

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"Your welcome" He said before heading towards his friend that watched the whole thing. After a few more class, it was lunchtime and I tried my best to avoid people as much as I could. Not before long I saw Hongjoong and his group of friends being crowed by a group of girls. "Hey handsomes, can we join you" One girl said which made me want to gag by what her thoughts might be. "No thanks ladies we're alright" The red head name San said as which made the girls awe in disappointment.

"Heh that's funny" I said to myself as I went to an empty table and sat there alone. When I was about to eat, I saw Hongjoong coming over to my area. "Do you always sit alone Y/n?" He ask taking a seat in front of me and I nod my head. "I'm not really welcome to seat with anyone so I sit alone" I said taking a drink of the water of mine while Hongjoong lean on his hand. "Why don't you come join us, we can keep you company" He said having me look at him as if he was crazy for a moment.

"That would be nice but I don't want to bother nor I don't know if they would like the idea?" I was very insecure about being around people. "Well why don't you come and find out, you'll never know if you don't try" He was right and I guess it couldn't hurt to see if they would let me. "Alright" I said seeing Hongjoong let out a smile as we got up and head over when I grabbed my lunch. When we got there, I was surprise that they let me join them. I was a little scare when a few of them were fight over who I get to next to them. Other then that, it felt like it been forever since I have talked and sat with people.

Maybe it isn't so bad after all

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