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[Continue] She can't except it.

She walked towards the pretty male who was taking two cappuccino for him and his boyfriend.


"Oh, Hii,"

"Are you by chance, Kim Taehyung everyone is talking."

"Oh, don't mind them; they are just being polite."

"Ah! Well, you are famous."

"Oh no, no... it's not that. I am just like anybody." Taehyung blushed while listening to the comments.

"Are you... by any chance..." Jieun asked while stopping on each phrase.

Tae raised his eyebrows to understand what she wanna ask.

"Dating?" She said, and Taehyung blushed by the word dating. Cause ofc, it reminds him of his muscle bunny.

"Y... Huhh! Jeongguk."

"Yes, He is taken. Any problem with that." Jeongguk came behind Taehyung while nuzzling his head on his nape, smelling the pretty scent of his boyfriend while protectively gripping on his waist.

"Oh...No... You get it all wrong. I was not mean to..."

"Nobody cares." with that, Jeongguk shushed off Jieun and picked the cappuccino that he ordered.

"I am waiting for you, so come within 1 minute." With that, Jeongguk walked away, leaving a blushed frustrated Taehyung and a speechless Ji-Eun.

"I am sorry." Ji Eun turned towards Tae.

"Please don't mind him. He talks to everyone like this. I am sorry. Btw, What's your name?" Tae asked while smiling towards an awestruck Ji-Eun.

Awestruck would be a perfect word to describe her situation. Of course, she met with many guys. Hot, handsome, young, rich, but she never met someone like Jeongguk. No one ever made this effect on her. His sharp features, His dominant aura. The way he was all protective towards Tae made her wonder.

"What it feels like to be in place of you?" ouch that come a little too loud.

"Huh!!" Tae said while looking at Jieun.

"I mean, you are fortunate to have him as your boyfriend. He looks like he loves you a lot." And Fucks you a lot. I wonder how good he is in bed. Or maybe How perfect it would be if it were me on the place of him. I mean really who date guys nowadays. And even if he dates them. I don't think he deserves someone like Taehyung. He deserves me.

"Yeah, he kinda.." Tae said while blushing ear to ear.

"Well, it's nice to meet you and your boyfriend, Taehyung. I will advise you to keep him safe. He is good looking." Taehyung was taken back by the statement. It was true he never gets protective over Jeongguk before. But to be saying advice, the words came from Ji-Eun were more like a threat to him.

With that, Ji-Eun winked toward Taehyung and walked out of the cafeteria.

Taehyung came after a few minutes shrugging the words of a little vixen. Oh, how bad he is gonna regret that he didn't take them seriously.

"What took you so time Tae?" Jeongguk asked

"Nothing just some stuff. She is a weird girl." Tae let out a sigh and left with Jeongguk to enjoy the sweet coffee.


"Where did this bitch left? What does she even think of us? Just because we are her puppets, she doesn't have the right to treat us like that in front of everyone." Soyeon said while stomping her feet on the ground in order to let out her frustration.

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