22. Finding

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And I found....... A bag.... A clear little bag what looks like white powder
I looked more and found pills, many different kinds.
"WHAT RHE HELL ARE THESE BEAU!?" I said holding them up
"Oh my god!" Beau said as his jaw dropped
"When did you plan on telling me you had this!?"
"I'm sorry, I was, I just didn't want to hurt you."
"So I guess me finding out on my own is better is it?"
"No, I'm sorry just give me them"
he said while leaning in to grab them
"NO, I Love you Beau and I'm not going to let you ruin your life with these.... your not getting these back I'm throwing them away!"
"Fine" Beau said staring at the floor
"Let's just try and forget about this and move on okay?" I asked
"Okay, I think that's best"
"Okay how about we go somewhere to get our minds off things?" I suggested
"Sure where to?" Beau asked
"How about...... Disneyland?!" I asked all excited
"Sure leggo"
When we got there it wasn't that packed, which was good. We bought our tickets and headed to the park.
"I remember last time we came here" said remembering al the fun times we had
"I know me to, that was years ago"
He said lolling a little sad
"I can't believe how long it's been, it feels like just yesterday I had moved to a new school and met you....again"
"Well look at us now, we are more mature, and we found each other again"
"I know, and that's why I'm so happy"
We went on a lot of kiddie rides because I was to scared to go on the big ones
"C'mon just go with me on splash mountain once, pleaseeeee" Beau asked begging me to go
"Fine, just this once that's it got it?"
"Yes okay let's go!" We ran off to get in line
The wait was about and hour
When we were finally strapped in we took off seconds later.
The ride slowly went up and drops down at the top. I got to say this was my first big ride and it was pretty fun.
After that we walked around some more eating cotton candy, and enjoying the parade that went on.
After we went on out last ride which was the pirates of the Caribbean ride we found a photo booth.
"Do you want to go in there?" Beau asked pouting to the little photo booth
We went in and took the first picture of us just smiling, the second one was us looking at each other with funny faces. That last two were me kissing him on the cheek. And Beau kissing me on the cheek. He had his arm wrapped around my waist the whole time.
The pictures came out of the printer in the machine and it's was the cutest thing.
When we got home to my house it was only 4 p.m.
We orders pizza for dinner and some Pepsi and hotwings.
We enjoyed out dinner while watching some movies. (mean girls) aka Beau favorite movie
Beau had to go home so we wrapped up.
"Can I ask you something Beau?"
"Do your brothers know about this?"
I said referring to the drugs
He left to go home while I continued watching movies.
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.
I looked at the caller ID an it was Luke.
It was midnight what was he calling for?
"Hello?" I said barely waking up
"Hey Bella it's me Luke, it's Beau he's gone crazy, he's having cravings"
Luke whispered into the phone
I could still hear Beau in the background.
"Hold on luke I'll be right over"
And the phone went dead
I rushed over to their house
I walked in and heard slamming. And punching
I walked into the living room to see Beau punching jai
"I want my stuff Jai give me some NOW!" Beau yelled
"Beau let go of your brother"
Beau put Jai down with shock ness in his eyes
"We need to talk Beau" I took his hand and lead him to his room
He sat on the bed and I kneeled in front of him
"Why are you doing this"
I asked
"I need that stuff I can't handle it it hurts to joy have it the pain is to hard for me"
"Listen Beau you do t need those, I can take the pain away just let me" I said as I leaned in to kiss him
The kiss got deeper and hotter by the second.
"You are my drug Bella"
"I'm happy to be" I told Beau and kissing him again

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