Denmark x Reader

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Denmark (Mikkel Densen) x Reader

Angry drivers honked their horns at pedestrians and their fellow drivers during the afternoon traffic. (Y/N) tried to tune them out to the best of her abilities as she patiently waited for her boyfriend to arrive. Her attention remained focused solely on her cellphone in an effort to waste time and keep herself entertained. "I'm sorry I'm late!" Mikkel announced loudly, effectively wrenching her attention away from her phone "Lukas was ranting about Emil not calling him older brother and I felt like it would be rude to leave." (Y/N) smiled softly at him and fiddled with the belt loop on her pants "It's okay. I know how he gets when it comes to Emil." Mikkel sighed in relief and looped his arm in hers "How about we head inside now?" She nodded in agreement and the two entered the cinema to be greeted by a cool wind and the sound of cheering from within the arcade section.

(Y/N) tugged gently on Mikkel's hand and pulled him towards the ticket line. Idle chatter flowed between them as they searched for their seats in the movie theatre. The different conversations within the establishment concluded abruptly when the movie began to play. (Y/N) shifted in her seat and leaned against Mikkel's shoulder to bask in his warmth and shield herself from the cold air conditioning. Mikkel glanced at her momentarily in confusion and returned his gaze to the film. She internally frowned at the action and felt a sharp pain in her chest. (Y/N) glanced down at her hands in uncertainty as thoughts ran rampant throughout her mind.

Approximately two hours later the movie finished and she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. He smiled down softly at her and the two exited the cinema and re-entered the outside world. "Did you enjoy the movie?" She casually asked, looking up into his blue eyes. An easy smile formed on his face and he nodded with vigour "I loved it! I've been looking forward to watching it for a long time!" She smiled in relief and turned to look in front of her once again. "Mikkel?" A dainty voice called out, and the couple turned to look at the owner of the voice. Mikkel's eyes immediately filled with glee and he released (Y/N)'s hand to rush over to the girl "Hi Madeleine!" (Y/N) watched the two blonde's interact with one another and tried to push away the insecurities clawing at her from within. She hadn't seen him that happy for a few months. The fact that another person was able to elicit such a positive reaction from him and she couldn't, tore her apart from the inside.

Madeleine looked behind Mikkel and smiled at her "Hi. I'm sorry I didn't see you there. I'm Madeleine." (Y/N) swallowed her emotions to the best of her abilities "I'm (Y/N). There's no need to apologize." Madeleine glanced at Mikkel before returning her attention to (Y/N) "Did I interrupt something?" Mikkel shook his head "We were just hanging out." He paused in his words "It was really nice seeing you today. We should hang out sometime!" Madeleine smiled sweetly and nodded with bright violet eyes "We should." She looked over at (Y/N) "It was nice to meet you. Hopefully, we can run into each other again." (Y/N) merely nodded with a small smile. (Y/N) watched Mikkel watch Madeleine walk away. When he turned towards her the light in his once bright blue eyes had disappeared. (Y/N) turned her head to the side to blink away her forming tears "I'm going to head home now." Mikkel visibly frowned "Did something happen?" She shook her head "I just want to go home." He watched her for a few moments and nodded.

(Y/N) wandered throughout the hallways in search of the science room and bumped into a large body. She stumbled, but managed to right herself, and gazed up at Berwald. He looked down at her with his usual monotone expression "S'rry." She shook her head "It's ok." She froze at the sight of Mikkel. He looked over at her and his usual happy smile fell "Do you think we could talk?" She glanced uneasily at the ground before reluctantly nodding.

The two excused themselves from their company and moved to a secluded corner. Mikkel observed her carefully and nervously tapped his fingers against his leg "I think we should break up." She shut her eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. Tears stung her eyes when she gazed up at him "Ok." Mikkel looked away from her broken expression "I'm sorry." (Y/N) watched with blurry eyes as he walked away from her. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she leaned against the cold metal lockers "What did I do wrong?"


Prompt: "I could see it in her face" (except change it to him).

Basically, the whole idea is that he's unhappy in the relationship and he can't continue to be in it, and she's aware of this and prepares herself for the inevitable heartbreak (Why he's not as happy in this as his usual character is)

I also want to thank everyone who gave their opinions on the Iceland chapter that will be coming soon.

I hope you enjoyed this.

Next is Estonia

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