Enfermo ° EnfermoRead: Isaías 12 ° Lee: Isaías 12
En aquel día dirás: Cantaré a ti, oh Jehová; pues aunque te enojaste contra mí, tu indignación se apartó, y me has consolado. He aquí Dios es salvación mía; me aseguraré y no temeré; porque mi fortaleza y mi canción es JAH Jehová, quien ha sido salvación para mí.
In that day you will say: I will sing to you, O Lord; for although you were angry with me, your indignation turned away, and you have comforted me. Behold, God is my salvation; I will make sure and i will not fear; for my strength and my song is the LORD Jehovah, who has been my salvation.
Sacaréis con gozo aguas de las fuentes de la salvación. Y diréis en aquel día: Cantad a Jehová, aclamad su nombre, haced célebres en los pueblos sus obras, recordad que su nombre es engrandecido.
You will draw water with joy from the springs of salvation. And you shall say in that day: Sing to the Lord, proclaim his name, make his works famous among the peoples, remember that his name is exalted.
Cantad salmos a Jehová, porque ha hecho cosas magníficas; sea sabido esto por toda la tierra. Regocíjate y canta, oh moradora de Sion; porque grande es en medio de ti el Santo de Israel.
Sing praises to Jehovah, for he has done magnificent things; let this be known throughout the earth. Rejoice and sing, O inhabitant of Zion; for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of you.
☆Dios los bendiga y espero les motive y toque el corazón☆
☆God bless you and i hope you motivate them and touch the heart☆
☆The best book of all you can change • 1T Without God i am nothing☆ ✔
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