July 20, 2018

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Be determined to set the Lord always before you.

Deuteronomy 14-16: Be kind to the poor, especially those of the household of faith. Don't be upset, or give grudgingly, God will bless you because of it. There is to be no idolatry. No images of any kind.

Job 14-16: The Lord's eyes are upon us, whether we be living righteously or in sin. He sees. Men are born in sin. There is no good in us. Don't put your trust in anything but God.

John 3: Except a man be baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost, He cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Whoever believes in Him and obeys Him will not perish. God loves the people. It's not His will that any should perish but that they all come to repentance. Salvation is found only in Jesus. Truth is rejected men love darkness, their sins rather than light. Pray for a repentant heart. Nothing is hidden from God. There ought to be no self pity, pride or hurt feelings. Humbly we should live. Let my joy be fulfilled in Christ. Let Him have the glory for He is worthy! More of Him, less of me! Rejoice in the Lord's work in others. He is above all.

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