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It is currently 8:00 in the morning, Mina and I already ate breakfast and now we are currently playing Minecraft together. It was quite boring but Mina recommended that it would be fun if we play Minecraft considering it's also been trending for the past years.

Well, long before Mobile Legends was created. Anyway, here we are, making a house. It's actually fun when you are in survival mode.

Although, I don't really know the controls at first, I was getting the hang of it. I continue to make a decent house using quartz blocks and slabs, I did put flowers, roses specifically to add more beauty to my simple abode.

I was about to put a final touch when my phone suddenly died, dang it, I forgot to charge it, I couldn't help but pout as I make my way to my table to find my charger. After plugging my phone towards the socket, I continue to pout as I make my way towards Mina, still pouting.

"Aww, what's wrong baby?" She asks me when I finally got her attention, I look at her phone, hoping that she understands what I was trying to imply. She looks at me before looking back at her phone, shaking her head as she release a chuckle.

She pats her lap as she hands me her phone, my pout was no longer there and was replaced by a smile. She returns it as I crawl between her legs, making myself comfortable as I lean into her chest as she helps me how to play. It was a bit great that I eased my mind about what's currently happening and that I get to spend my time with Mina, without, of course, interruptions.

"Do you want to play Superstar JYP?" I heard Mina asks behind me as she places her head on my shoulder, looking at Mina with that freaky brown eyes who can literally make you melt. "There's a game for JYP Company? " I ask as I turn to look at her, why wasn't I informed? I felt betrayed, all this time I have been finding decent games to entertain me when I am bored and there's literally a game called 'Superstar JYP'. I'm a bit triggered.

She chuckles, "Yes oldie, want to play and beat my highscore?" I roll my eyes when she said oldie, says the one who is literally two years older than me. It is not my fault I don't drown myself playing games, 24/7, I have a career to take care of and another album to be released. I do know that I can't beat Mina when it comes to gaming because she's literally a rich gamer, I sometimes assume she can literally buy all the gaming company she wants in a flick of her hand. That's how rich she is.

I started to play the so-called game when a thought came into my mind, I didm't want to ask her because I might embarass myself but I decided to do so, "Baby? I had a thought in my mind..." I say, as I pause the game, turning around to face her completely, even though, I admit I miss the warmth her body radiates whenever we hug or simply, whenever our bodies touch.

She hums as an answer, caressing my cheek as her beautiful eyes stare right into mine. "You do know that we all use, you're instead of you are, I'm instead of I am..." Oh my god, I'm actually asking her this stupid thought, I look at her as she raise her eyebrow as she nods hesitately, " when we use who are, do we use who're instead of...that or do we actually use who're? " I ask in a little voice, already finding the idea pretty stupid.

But, Mina releases her heavenly laugh as she holds her chest, tears forming in her eyes. "God, why didn't I think of that?" She mumbles, her laugh now turning into chuckles as she hugs me, God, I sound stupid asking her that.

"Are you hungry babe? Yeah, you're definitely hungry, " She says as she break the embrace, standing up as she starts to walk downstairs, probably, making food already and it made me pout. She just left me, I knew I sound stupid asking that but my curiosity always get to me.

I ran downstairs to catch up with her and maybe, maybe seduce her a little bit. I will get back to her and she must be prepared.


So, after getting teased for the whole thirty minutes, I finally convinced my fianceé to watch one of Megan Fox's movie, just to make her jealous. I mean, come on guys, have you seen Megan Fox? That woman can literally make you question your sexuality. She had that effect on me once but we don't have to tell Mina that, alright?

I used to say I'm straight, so is spaghetti until it's wet, just kidding, totally inappropriate but when I physically saw Megan Fox, it had me question my sexuality for weeks until I had confirmed when I saw Somi, my ex-girlfriend. Don't even ask when, where and why I met Megan Fox, it was years ago, clearly.

I forgot the name of the movie but I'm pretty sure it is enough to make Mina jealous, hopefully. This is revenge for teasing me, two can play this game. I pressed the play button and the movie had started, Megan still hasn't showed up so I had time to prepare my lines. I was silently eating the popcorn as I wait for the woman to show up so I can start my game. Slightly nervous on what Mina's going to do.

She finally showed up so I started my game, "God, she's so hot, " I gush as I put a little seduced act. I can feel Mina staring at me through my peripheral vision but I ignored her and continued my little act. God, I can be an actress, already. Cocky much?

"I wish I could hug Megan right now, I lost an opportunity, hmp, should have done it years ago, " I say to myself, I knew Mina is lightly triggered because I can see her biting her inner cheek, trying not to be mad.

"I really want to marry you, Megan, God, whoever you'll marry must be lucky, " I once again tried and that maybe set Mina off because she suddenly turns the television off, slams the icecream in the center table, poor table.

She turns sideways to look at me as she crosses her arms, angrily, I might add. "Really? You have to go there, " I innocently raise my eyebrow, trying to act innocent and that I didn't know what she was talking about. She suddenly straddles me, stealing the bowl of popcron in my hand as I watch her place it on the table, trapping me with her arms.

"What? She's beautiful, " I said, innocently, emphasizing on the word 'beautiful'. That pushed her last button as she released a sexy growl, pressing her leg in what's between my legs, making me let out a moan. God, it is starting, should I be scared?

"You are mine and I will prove it, " When she said, I knew I was in trouble. Will I get laid? Hmm, I don't know about that, all I know is Mina's top energy is showing.

I will probably have thousands of marks tomorrow that are probably going to be difficult to remove too. Pray for me.


No details, lmao😹 I'm still uncomfortable writing it so not yet... Well, depends but yes, no details. Just fluff first before it starts because I just want to distract you all. 😹

No updates for tomorrow, having a mental breakdown so I'm not sure when I'll update the next one...

Anyway, hope you all love this! Update coming soon - - - - >

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