𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬: 𝐉&𝐏
"You know kissing is much more safer then shaking hands-" He whispers to me but she cuts him off, very much annoyed by his presence.
"Ok Mr-"
"It's Doctor." He rolls he eyes. Maybe the feeling...
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My abusive ex boyfriend, decided to come to D.C. I'm now currently considering moving to Alaska, and if he comes along I will train some of the polar bears there to attack him on the spot.
We started dating when we met at college. The first few months were quite enjoyable, but soon, the beast was released. For 3 whole months I had to deal with a child, yelling at me all the time. Of course, I wouldn't put up with him for much longer, and when I finally snapped and hurt his toxic masculinity, he slapped me. Then I had the joy of beating him up. With my anger issues, I honestly couldn't have handled it better. Apart from that, something else happened, that I'm not proud of. My cheek was slightly bruised for a few days, while I broke his nose and gave him a black eye. I broke up with him on the spot. Luckily, I had planned ahead and my stuff was over at Julia's.
Therefore, what I got from this incident is : 1)I don't like boys 2)I don't like males 3)My hatred for abusive males like him are over the charts
I didn't want to focus on him anymore, so I just looked up at the sky. I immediately calmed down, and smiled. Suddenly Derek looked down at me.
"What?" He questioned jokingly. "Nothing" I responded smiling, looking back down.
We finally arrived at the restaurant, where we quickly sat down in one of the tables.
"Oh please, you see this?" I said pulling a picture of a pond from my phone, and shoving it on Reid's face. "That's the Don Juan Pond. It's one of the saltiest things on Earth, second only to you."
Laughs erupted from the table, and he raised his eyebrows. Soon it died down, and the conversation flowed back to normal.
"What was my first case?" I repeated the question looking at Derek sitting beside me. He hummed in agreement. "Let's see ..." "Oh right!" I exclaimed.
"There was this woman, who was a copycat of Jack the Ripper. Abusive childhood, but there was a twist. Instead of killing women, she killed male prostitutes, due to her father killing her 10 months year old daughter, when the unsub was still young. Apparently, she thought her father as a prostitute, because of how filthy she thinks of them." I say. That really saddened me to be honest. Prostitutes and sex workers in general don't deserve this treatment. They should be treated equal, as any kind of work. Yes sure Jimmy, you have a job at your work office, and bash other women for exploiting what they have, but then go watch porn alone at night.
"Copycat of Jack the Ripper?" Hotch questions rhetorically. "That's interesting." He comments.
"She was later on caught in her childhood home, we were lucky enough to save one of the victims." I said.
Suddenly the waiter came by with our dishes, and we all dug in.
"So, tomorrow we have to come in?" Prentiss questioned, holding her head with one of her hands, while the other one was holding the fork in which she had her spaghetti.
"Don't worry, it's paperwork day, unless we get called in for a new case. We're lucky we didn't get called in today." Hotch said and she let out a sigh.
I checked my watch, wanting to know how much sleep I could get for tomorrow. It was 3am, I'll probably wont get much rest. But right now, it's the lasagna in front of me that need to be taken care of.
"You know I really want to travel to Greece." Prentiss slurs slowly, as she starts to pour in her glass some red wine.
Hotch eyes the glass, and not wanting her to suffer from a tremendous headache in the morning, and probably liver failure, he takes her glass, and replaces it with his which had remained untouched. He poured her a glass of water, and put it in front of her plate.
She had a face of amazement, as if he magically transformed the wine to water. "Jesus is that you..?" She whispered, almost making me spit out my water.
She took a sip from it, but ended up downing almost all of the glass of water.
"I've been there when I was little, but I don't really have vivid memories of it." I pointed out.
"Since we are talking about that, I want to go to France." Derek said.
"Been there done that!" I exclaimed. "You've been to France?" Garcia asked.
"Lived there for 3 years, as an exchange student for my degree in criminal justice. My mom is from France, so that was convenient as well." I answered.
"Do you know how to speak French?" The doctor asked turning his glance to me.
"Eh bien, Dr Reid, je pense pouvoir dire que je peux parler la langue avec aisance, mais je suis sûrement devenu un peu rouillé au fil des ans." I respond.
"Je peux dire que je suis impressionné." Prentiss responded and then took a bite off her spaghetti.
"I have no idea what they are saying right now, which kind of scares me." Derek said whispering to Garcia on his side, on our hearing range. I grinned, and the rest laughed out loud.
After a while, we decided that we needed to go. Sleep? We don't know them.
"How are we supposed to turn up to work tomorrow?" Garcia questions.
"I'll bring the coffee." I offer.
"You are a goddess my friend." Prentiss exclaims smiling.
We have now arrived at the parking lot. Reid took off with Garcia, while Hotch took Prentiss with him. He didn't allow her to drive at this state. I will drop by her house tomorrow morning to give her a ride, since her car will be at the parking lot.
"Shall we?" Morgan asked me, his open palm reached towards me. I took his hand, enjoying the warmth, as we approached his car. Pretty boy sure did have a nice car.
We got in, him driving and me beside him on the passenger's seat. Some dim music played from the radio on the background, while I mumbled the lyrics, my head moving slowly from the left to the right. After telling him my address, he took off.
I usually don't enjoy peace and quiet. This has grown on me, from when suspects being held let the silence do its work for them. But this, it was different. It was a comfortable one, where I enjoyed every second of.
He soon pulled over, his car outside of my building.
"Your apartment must be nice. This is a newly renovated building, constructed by one of the best architects in the state." He pointed out.