Katy Wood; one of Hester's most beloved students. She's pretty, smart, funny, and captain of the softball team. She's also the daughter of Derek Wood, the best businessman in Austin, Texas. Everyone knows and loves her, as well as her dad. But what...
I groan as I wake up. My head is absolutely pounding. I open my eyes and realize I'm not in my bed, but in a tent? Where the hell am I? I feel a body rolling over next to me. I look down and realize I'm not wearing any clothes. What the hell happened last night? I turn my head to the side and see Louis sleeping peacefully next to me. Oh shit, we couldn't have...right?
"Louis." I say tapping the sleeping boy. He groans before opening his eyes. "Boobs?" He says looking at my chest before looking up at my face. I watch the realization set in for him now. "Did we?" He asks. "Yeah." "How sure?" "So sure." "Shit. I am so sorry, Katy. I don't remember much about last night. I hope that doesn't mean I took advantage of you." Louis apologizes. The look on his face makes me want to cry. "I don't think you took advantage of me considering we both took Molly. I don't remember much about last night either. All I remember is us setting the tent up before the Molly kicked in. I think one of us mentioned having a fast heartbeat and being hot. Everything after that is a blank. But apparently sex was involved seeing that we're both naked." I say looking at my phone now.
"Shit! Louis, I have to go. My first period starts in half an hour and I've already missed that class twice this week." I say hurrying to throw my clothes back on. I dig around in my bag until I find my deodorant. I put that on and then find my toothbrush and toothpaste. I take my bottle of water and pour it over the toothbrush, put toothpaste on it, then begin brushing my teeth. When I'm done I get a sip of water and swish it around my mouth before unzipping the tent and spitting it out.
"Can we talk about this before you go at least?" "Not right now. I'm sorry but I really have to go." I say grabbing my bag before rushing out of the tent and running through the woods to get to my car. I think I'll be able to get there in time because the church we're at is only five minutes down the road from school. After five minutes of driving, I finally make it to school. I hurry and get out of my car and start walking through the courtyard to get to my locker. I still have fifteen minutes before the tardy bell rings, thank God.
"Somebody needs to turn that damn sun down a notch." I mutter to myself realizing how bright it is already. I pull my sunglasses out of my pocket before continuing to make my way to my locker. "What the fuck, Katy! I couldn't find you anywhere this morning! I thought I was gonna have to call the police." Ariana says coming up behind me and hugging me "Louis and I stayed in his tent last night and I didn't remember to set an alarm on my phone. I literally just woke up fifteen minutes ago." I tell Ariana. "Well you sure do look sexy for somebody that woke up that late." Ariana says.
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(A/N: this is Katy's outfit for the day.)
"These were the only clothes I brought with me. I don't know if I had a plan to look good today or not. Fuck I'm so happy it's Friday. This week has been a nightmare." I say as we finally reach my locker. "I'm gonna go onto my locker now. I just needed to come see you first to make sure you're okay." Ariana says. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for checking on me." I lie. "Always. I'll see you at lunch and I expect a full report of what happened last night." Ariana says kissing my cheek before walking off. I shake my head over her statement. How do you give a full report when you can't even remember what happened?
I finish getting my books out and close my locker. Whenever I turn to head to first period, I see Camila getting her books out. I suddenly have a wave of guilt rush over me now. We broke up Monday, and I had sex with Louis last night. It took me three days to sleep with someone else, and it wasn't even intentional. At least I don't think it was? I know he got me flustered during the nerf gun war, but I didn't think it would be enough to go through with anything. That just goes to show how fucked up Molly makes me. I wanted a state of euphoria and I got it, but now the aftermath depression is setting in. I feel like a complete asshole, just looking at Camila now. I don't care if we're broken up. She did not deserve to have me sleeping with someone else three fucking days later. I don't care if she ever finds out. I know about it and that's enough to make me feel like an awful human being.
Camila notices I'm looking at her and smiles. Don't smile at me like that, please. I don't deserve to see the world's prettiest smile after what I did. I don't even deserve to look at her right now. "You're wearing all black today, so you must be mourning the loss of your sleep schedule again, right?" She asks, chuckling lightly to herself. I forgot I used to use that joke around her all the time. Truth is, I just like wearing a lot of black sometimes. It makes me feel like a Dauntless. Sometimes pretending like I'm a train jumper gets me through the tired days.
"Earth to Katy." Camila says waving her hand in front of my face now and bringing me out of my thoughts. "These are actually just some of the clothes I grabbed out of my bag, so this wasn't even planned." I finally speak up. Camila's face falls before she speaks up again. "Oh....where did you stay last night?" I begin to panic. She can't know where I was or that I was with Louis. "I-" I try to speak up but I'm cut off by someone yelling at me across the courtyard. I look and see it's Dinah and Karma motioning for me to walk with them to first period.
"Um, I think that's my cue. I'll see you next period. You look really pretty by the way." I say walking off and mentally cursing myself for that last sentence. Who the fuck breaks up with their girlfriend, sleeps with a guy three days later, and then tells her that she looks pretty the next morning? Katy dumb fuck Wood, that's who.
"So you're talking to Camila again. That's gotta be a good sign, right?" Karma asks as the three of us head to English. "We made an agreement yesterday to become friends again...or try to at least." I say the last part, knowing good and well that I probably just fucked that opportunity up because of last night. "Bitch, don't jinx their progress!" Dinah argues. "Your vulgarity is unwelcome here, Miss. Jane." Karma says. I try to drown out the bickering girls for the remainder of our walk to class. Whenever we get to our classroom, I take my normal seat in the back. I slide my body down far enough to where my head rests on the back of my chair, and close my eyes.
"Did you break?" Dinah asks nudging my foot with hers. "I just have a really bad headache and I'm sick to my stomach." I say, not even bothering to open my eyes or turn my head to the side to look at her. "Maybe you should go to the nurse's office and lay down until next period." Karma suggests. "As much as I'd love to do that, I can't. I've already missed this class twice this week. I can't afford to make it a third time. I'll get lunch detention." I explain, hoping the two girls will drop the conversation now. I don't know if I'm hungover from the Molly or if it's the guilt that's making me feel this sick. Whatever it is needs to chill the fuck out.
*Second period*
Camila's POV:
I grab my books before closing my locker door and making my way towards Chemistry. I'm really excited for today's class, for whatever reason. I think I'm just excited to see Katy. I could hardly concentrate in history because all I could think about was her calling me pretty this morning, and also how hot her outfit made her look today. To me, she looks hot everyday. There's just certain outfits that compliment her more.