Chapter 11

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Yea Fun story this was actually supposed to be out on Lida's Birthday well not anymore lets get right into it.


P.o.v - (y/n)

I was on my way to U.A for the sports festival but it seems there already were crowds of people and reporters not just that but also many food stands setup around the entrance and around the school it was almost surprising how quick they setup these things its only been one day but then again Its U.A I was walking by the stalls then I see a commotion by one of the stalls I went to check it out turns out it was that hero a few months ago that kicked the giant villain and two other heroes with her

"Wow your Mt. Lady right". The Vender said excited before getting ready to do the order

"I would like light salt thank you". She said 

"Of course that will be $10". He said handing her the order 

"Oh no my money is in another costume". She said pushing out her chest and faking sadness in her voice 

"No problem this one is on the house". He said but right as he said that 10 dollars was placed in front of him making him and Mt. Lady turn to you 

"I'll pay for her, Its not a big problem". I said with a hint of disgust in my voice at how shameful she is 

"Well aren't you a dear". She said while licking her lips checking me out but all I didn't reply as I walked away but not while giving her a disgusted look

"Have you no shame". The hero beside her said scolding her for her actions 

I was in the waiting room for the 1A class it seems everyone is getting ready for the Festival then I looked over to Izumi and it seems that she was really fidgeting probably nervous about the sports festival then suddenly the door opened and lida walked in

"Alright everyone the Festival is beginning soon get ready". He said making some people get even more nervous mainly Izumi then Shoko walked up to her 

"Midoriya I think it is obvious that I am stronger than you but you have All Might in your corner helping I not going to question you but know that I will beat you in the sports festival". She said before turning to me

"I will beat you too (Y/N) you may be the strongest but that doesn't mean I won't beat you". She said making everyone shocked at her declaration of war then Kirishima walked up to her 

"Hey why are you picking fights all of a sudden?, We're about to start". Kirishima with her hand on Shoko's shoulder but Shoko pushed it aside

"We're no here to play friends, So why dose it matter". She said before walking off

"Todoroki, I don't know what your thinking when you say you want to beat me, Of course your better than me but that doesn't mean I won't give it my all". Izumi said with a determined face

"Students Please Head Towards The Stadium". The Intercoms said as we begin to head out as we got closer to the stadium the cheering of the Audience became louder and louder and we heard fireworks go off

"The U.A Sports Festival!, The huge festival where fledgling heroes sharpen their swords once a year to prove their skills!".  Present Mic Yelled making the crowd cheer even louder

"And the class that overcame a Villain attack it's class 1-A for the hero course". He said as the crowd kept on cheering then we slowly made our way towards the center


"T-there are s-so many people". Izumi said nervously 

"This is a part of the training  required to become a hero ". Lida said with out a hint of nervousness  in his voice

"Man, He's going overboard with that praise, I'm getting nervous, Aren't you Bakugo". Kirishima said kind of surprising me as she was the last person  that I thought was going to be nervous

"No, I'm just getting more into it". She said with a hint of excitement in her voice

"And For The Next Class, They haven't gotten Much Air Time But This Class Is Also Full of Talents, Class 1-B". Present mic announced as Class B was also heading towards the middle

"Next up General Studies class C,D and E and Support Class F,G and H are here too along with Business Class I,J and K". Present mic said as all of the classes lined up 

"Time For the player pledge". Midnight said as the crowd mostly males began to ogling at her 

"Oooh This year's Umpire for the first Year is The R-rate Hero Midnight". A spectator said as the male crowd even some students ogled at her

"Is it okay for her to be at a high school even tough she's R-rated". Tokoyami said Noticing all the reactions

"Yes". Mineta said with a perverted look on his face before you punted him away

"All Right, Quiet Down". Midnight said making the crowds silent

"For this year the Representing student is (Y/n)". She said making everyone look at me

"What!, Why is it that bastard". Katsumi yelled Pointing at me

"It's Probably because he finished first in the entrance exam". Sero said before a student from another class spoke up

"Only in the hero course". She said with hateful tone

"Man thanks to that stunt (Y/n) and Bakugo pulled they probably all hate us". Sero said looking away from the girl, I slowly walked towards the stage and stood in front of the mic I could feel the tension in the air as they didn't know what I would say

"........ I pledge that I'm going to win". I said making the other classes boo at me

"Why are you saying such disgraceful things (Y/n)". Lida said scolding me but then I continued silencing the crowd of booing students

"But that doesn't mean you can't at least come close, So do try your best to at lest try to be the best or you'll be stuck at the bottom". I said with a grin on my face as the crowd resumed their booing

"How over Confident can that guy be". A guy from Class - B said clearly angered by the speech I made as I walked back to my position while giving Izumi a wink making her blush

"Over confident, No judging from what I know he has every right to be over confident right now". Izumi thought to herself as the crowd of students kept on Booing  until Midnight silenced them again

"Now Let's Get onto the the first game which is also known as the qualifier round, Now lets see what this year's qualifier is". Midnight said before a hologram a Appeared and begin spinning before stopping on the Obstacle race

"All right now for the Rules, This obstacle race is a 4 kilometer race around the stadium and as long your on the course it doesn't matter what you do". Midnight announced licking her lips

"Now Take your place everyone". Midnight said as the crowd began to cheer and we went to our starting positions 

"Start". She yells as everyone began rushing out the tunnel but everyone is getting in each others way making a traffic jam of students before suddenly ice covered the ground and feet on everyone including myself

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