Going Off The Rails On a Crazy Train

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A/N: Oh hey, uh yeah, a 2nd part to this story,  who knew this would still be continued, NOT ME AHAHAHHA- Well anyways, this novel is actually based on a comic I'm writing so look out for that, this novel is kind of the light novel to my comic (the manga in this analogy) give your feedback and criticism down below ^^ it would be greatly appreciated


"F-find-your-mom-man..?" Tommy says slightly sobbing, wiping the leftover tears from his eyes, "Y-YEAH!! Fi-find-your-mom-man is here to find your mom!" My sweat is dropping through the mask, not even these sunglasses can hide the fact I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

'What do I even do?' I sigh. 'I didn't really plan this out in my head huh?'. My inner monologue was cut off by Tommy, "Well w-where is she?" He asks in a distraught tone.

"We'll find her, I promise." 'Holy shit I sounded confident for once.' I put my fist out slightly while squatting down. He bumps his fist with mine shyly, "Lets go kid, W-we can probably still find her. Now where were you guys going?"

Now I know it looks bad, Me, a teenager in a hoodie and mask with sunglasses hot glued onto it. A child crying and sobbing for his mom, hand in hand with said masked yeen. Seems like a normal kidnapping case, but I swear I'm doing the opposite, and no. I am not kidnapping his mom, I'm not into milfs.

"So you guys were going to go to the A-train since it's your grandma's birthday?" Tommy seemed to cheer up talking about his grandma and her birthday celebration today. "My gran gran is the best!" He pumps his fist in the air, the other hand gripping my hand.

"She makes cookies, and baked goods whenever I come, and she even gives me money!" He says excitedly. 'Ah yes of course, money, the thing children want most for birthdays and any other bank holidays. Not like I'm any better heh' I said in my head jokingly.

We got some odd looks, but Tommy was more himself now, well at least, I think he was. It was almost like He got an adrenaline shot every second. "And so Asteroid CAME DOWN FROM THE SKY!!! He punched Dr. Saiko so hard, the Moon EXPLODED!!"

He said skipping on the sidewalk with a smile. 'We'd all be dead without the moon, but I can understand the enthusiasm." I said with a slight smirk under my mask.

A couple minutes go by and-


"And so he yelled out "SMASHHHHH" and punched the zero-pointer to smithereens!!! And-and, Deku punched Todoroki in the stomach, and his hand DIDN'T BREAK!!"

It wasn't my proudest moment, hell It even seems childish, but It's a guilty pleasure to fanboy over something I like.

"WOAH!! I have to watch that!!" Tommy said with a large smile hearing the story of Boku No Hero Academia (A/N: There's your free advertisement Horikoshi)


Minutes go by, walking for a couple more blocks down and Tommy was looking around with a smile, but still gloomy. His mom was still on his mind. "Are we gonna find my mom..?" He said in his high pitched voice and depressed tone, tears brimming in his eyes.

"We will bud, just h-hold on alright?" I tried reassuring him, but it seemed he didn't believe me fully. I looked around, we were nearing the A-train.

10 minutes go by walking and talking about life. Interestingly enough, Tommy was top of his class in Math, and found it fairly easy to him, all I could say was "lucky~" with a grin under my mask.

The intercom suddenly said "The last train to Boston will be in 5 minutes, please get to the A-train now." 'Don't panic Matt, you can find this boy's mom, no problem, just don't panic."




I panicked.

I started running around the train station, whipping my head back and forth, trying to find Tommy's mom. 'Where is she?!' I ran around the train station, hell I even jumped over a struggling street performer with a bongo. I was jumping over a rail and tried teleporting to another rail closeby, but ended up teleporting to a food stand which was farther.

'Damn powers!' I teleported nearer the station and gripped Tommy's hand and teleported down the staircase and tripped 'ARGH! This distance thing is killing me!!' I said frustrated.

Tommy pulls my hand with his full force, for a child at least. "THERE!!" He points to his mom, the train doors about to close, his mom looking stressed and worried.

I grabbed Tommy and picked him. "Zwip" I teleported to his mom and gave her to him, and she instinctively grabbed Tommy, "Who are you-" I cut her off mid sentence, "Sorrynotimetoexplain-".

The train started moving as the mother was checking how Tommy was doing, I grabbed her wrist and "Zwip" I teleported them inside the train, just barely in the last train car, inches away from the end of the train.

I teleported out, exhausted, just thinking of how far I'd have to teleport to the wall in the train station.


"Ow!" I slam onto the wall, in the waiting area, people now scattering and catching their breaths since they missed the last train. Tommy waves at me, and I wave back. I see him mouthe "Bye find-my-mom-man!" I smile and wave back.

I slump down catching my breath from the excessive physical activity I just did, including but not limited to, nauseating teleporting at only long distances, running around, leaping off rails, and carrying a 6-year-old, to boot.

A businessman, panting for his breath comes up to me and asks "Can you- haah- get me- haaa- on that train too?"



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