Krona's P.O.V-
My eyes fluttered open as I let out a hearty cough, leaning up slowly to find my arms were attached to wires... Jordan was beside me, his head down, his eyes wide as he wrapped his arms around me, "Oh my god, I started thinking you would never wake up," he confessed half heartedly, a new cheery smile plastered to his face. I still had my nose cringed as I rubbed my forehead, slowly regaining my memories and consciousness, "We're back with The Society, right..?" I questioned, running my fingers through my hair as Sparklez nodded, the grin still on his face. "Yes, Krona. We're home," he whispered, smiling as he soothed the back of my hand with his thumb. "We came here because.." I stuttered, trying to remember the previous events, "Because Seto."
I escaped CaptainSparklez tight grip and slid the covers off of my legs, ripping off the wires in the process. "No, Krona. Lay down," Jordan pleaded, standing up and holding me down by my arms, I looked him fierce in the eye before letting out a low growl, "Let me go, Maron." I warned, feeling my fist clench as his glare softened for a split second. I only ever called him by his real last name when I was angry. Really, angry. Not breaking eye contact, Sparklez let out a deep sigh, shaking his head slowly, "I can't do that, Krona." This only made me even more infuriated. My eyes flashed black while rage boiled my blood, "Jordan let me go," I snarled, a bit louder, his eyebrows furrowed as he pulled his pout back into a frown, "You promised me you wouldn't let it take over, Krona."
I cocked an eyebrow, still growling, "What do you mean, Jordan? This is me." A violent shake erupted in my hands as a strange, yet familiar black mana formed around them. "No, you're letting that demon take over, Krona. I know you're still there, come back now." Sparklez begged, his facials going stone cold, but a soft sparkle in his eyes showed how he was about to cry. "That demon's been gone for too long, Jordan. I need to find Seto. Just one last time, please? Then I promise I won't let him out anymore," I swore, the grip he held on my wrists didn't falter, but he seemed to stare meaningly into space, considering letting me go. I snarled when he shook his head again.
"No, Krona. I'm not letting it happen again. That's the reason you're in here in the first place. You can't let your, your emotions get out of hand and hurt someone." I lashed out, well, not me. The demon did. He kicked and thrashed, the black fire burning brighter on my palms, the pain started in my arms as my veins ran dark blood, curdled screams from inside broke out, drowning out Jordan's pleas to get me to calm me down. "Jordan, let me go!" the demon screeched over the hassle, as CaptainSparklez snapped, "NUNC ERGO VENI, KRONA!" The beast immediately stopped and I was shot straight back down in the infirmary bed, panting hard as I scurried to lean up against the wall, touching my arms and flashing them in my face to assure I could take full control of my actions.
"I'm not losing you to the beast again," He cried, running his nimble fingers through his hair before comforting me, Cupquake was at the door with a doctor, quivering in shock as she waved the medic off, ignoring Jordan as she ran to my side, stealing me from Sparklez as she held me close, stroking the back of my head and crying out random apologies. "I didn't think it would come back. I thought he was gone. It only ever happened in the library," Cupquake rambled, pulling away and staring into my blue orbs, inspecting for the demon's traces.
I remember what happened. I never asked for these powers, you know; but it was the only way to save my life. When I was born, I was terribly ill. Coughing, screaming, sometimes when they came in to check on me, I wasn't even breathing. I lived like this for days and in this time, my parents searched up and down, high and low, for an effective cure. When they were on the verge of giving up, an old woman showed up at our doorstep, explaining to my parents that she knew a way to bring me to full health; only it would come with a price.
The old woman would heal me but in return, I would be given an unbelievable power of the ancient magic wielders before us; sorcery. My parents were still listening, however, but were warned that this magic would be corrupted by an evil demon; Tennebrosi Affectuum, or Dark Emotions translated. He would only ever be aggravated or expose himself in a crisis where the body his magic possesses feels a strong, evil emotion, and therefore will take over and in some cases, won't stop. With caution and desperation, my loving mother and father agreed to the deal.
So, I was healed, and my parents lived a happy life, and the old woman disappeared. And I wish that I could leave it at that. But as you know, I was sent into the orphanage, and then enrolled at the school, and my family were no where to be seen. That was the first time Tennebrosi showed himself. And I knew, it wouldn't be the last.
____________________________Heh, Filler Again..._________________
ENDERGUARDIAN, GET OUT OF THAT CORNER!!! So!.... Enjoy a little flash-backy filler chapter? Yeah, probably not... I had this thought of Krona earning her powers by curse for a while now and said when I was writing; "Hey! You're winging the whole story anyway, so why not?" And here we all are now. Alright, time for some Latin Class with Miss. GrimmieZ!
Latin Class!- 'Nunc ergo veni, Krona' translates to 'Come back now, Krona' and as shown in text above, 'Tennebrosi Affectuum' means 'Dark Emotions'. Put that in your text books for the next update!
Alrighty, I also, for some random reason, planned out *yes gasp if you will due to my lack in the planning department* the ending to this story. EVER SO SOON YOU SAY?!?! No spoilers but I can already tell you the ending is a far bit away so please, donut worry. XD OK! Thankyou all for showing your support on this story and please keep liking and commenting. I WILL SEE YOU ALL NEXT UPDATE, BAII!!!

I Hate That I Love You (SetoSorcerer Fanfic) IT'S BACK!!!
FanfictionWhen Seto was young, he had a rival in school named Krona. Ten years on, he's got everything anybody would ever want; an army, friends, title of the strongest sorcerer of Minecraftia and happiness. But when he encounters a familiar thief in the vill...