Chapter 29

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Seeing my newest little girl immediately brings tears to my eyes, tears of joy and gratitude and amazement of the turn my life took after leaving Paul, after meeting Alex, after reuniting with Sadie. Looking at my daughters, I can't imagine ever doing anything else with my life but raising them and loving them the way my parents never did for me.
I do my best to sit up, because all I want is to hold my girls, but when I try and prop myself onto a pillow, a sharp pain stops me from moving more than a few inches.
"Careful Jo. Don't try and sit up on your own." Addison says. "Everything went as well as we could've hoped for, but you've got a pretty big scar so you'll need to take it easy for a few weeks until it's healed." She comes walks over to me and helps me get myself upright.
A million questions were running through my mind, but the only thing I managed to say was,
"Is the baby okay?"
"She's perfect. You did amazing. You kept her safe. Thank you." Alex says, giving me a kiss. "And someone else is here to see you too," he says.
Sadie is standing right beside me, and she looks exhausted. But she smiles through it, and leans down to give me a hug.
"Hey, my sweet girl." I say, hugging her back and placing a kiss on her forehead. "Come lay," I say, patting the bed beside me. She snuggles up against me and lays her head on my chest. "I'm sorry if I scared you earlier. You did such a good thing for me and Emmy, calling 911. You're already an awesome big sister."
"Alright, Jo. Our baby girl has been waiting for you." He says. "You ready?"
I nod, not wanting to miss a single second oneon my chest, and I'm struck with how perfect and tiny she is. Considering it felt like I was carrying around a bowling ball all day for the entirety of my third trimester, I didn't expect her to be so small, but she's absolutely amazing.
"Congratulations, guys. I'm gonna go fill out some paperwork, but I promise I'll be in to check on you in a bit." Addison says, heading for the door.
"Thank you so much. For saving me, and Emerson. For everything, really." I say, and she smiles.
Almost as soon as Addison had disappeared down the hallway, Meredith appears in the doorway.
"Hey guys! I heard I have a new niece!" She says, sounding excited but still managing to keep her voice at a whisper.
"This is Emerson!" I say, trying to keep my voice down as well.
"Congratulations! How are you liking being a big sister, Sadie?" Meredith asks.
"Well, I'm excited to have someone to play with. And she's really cute." She replies.
"She sure is. I thought maybe you could come home with me and your cousins tonight so mommy and daddy can get settled with your sister and you can get a good nights sleep," Meredith says. "I'll bring you back here first thing in the morning, I promise."
"Okay," Sadie says, sitting up and sliding out of the bed.
"Come give us hugs, Sadiebug." Alex says, stretching out his arms.
She runs over to Alex and wraps her arms around her daddy's neck, giving him a kiss on the nose. "I love you, daddy." She says, squeezing him tight.
"Bye bye mama. I love you." She says.
Then she leans down and plants a gentle kiss on the baby's head, whispering,
"Good night, baby Emmy. I love you too."
She takes Meredith's hand and waves goodbye one more time, and Alex thanks Meredith just as they head out the door.
I sit quietly, looking down at the warm, smushy baby, sleeping peacefully with her arms outstretched onto my chest.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" I say after a minute or so.
"She perfect. She looks just like you." He says with a slight smile, but something seemed off.
"Hey, are you okay baby?" I ask, becoming concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just- I thought I was gonna lose you. Both of you. You're my whole world. I couldn't live without you, or the girls- I was just scared out of my mind all day." Alex said, a single tear sliding down his face.
"I know you were. But even in the face of that, you took care of me and the baby and Sadie- you're an amazing daddy and an amazing husband, and if anything had happened to me, I know our kids would be safe with you." I reply, caressing his cheek with my free hand and wiping his tears. I pull him in and give him a kiss, and he smiles, but for real this time.
"Come hold me." I say, motioning for him to lay beside me in the crowded hospital bed.
He climbs into bed like Sadie had done before, and wraps his arm around me so that I can lay on his chest.
"Emmy still needs a middle name. I thought Emerson Olivia could be cute."
"No, Olivia was syph nurse."
"Yeah, no. How about...Lucy? Emerson Lucy Karev."
"Nope. I dated a Lucy, too."
"Right, the one who stole your job. Okay, how about Emerson Addie Karev, after Addison. After all, she saved us both."
"What?" I say, glaring at him.
"Well, I kinda slept with Addison when I was an intern."
"Alex Karev! I actually might kill you right now." I say, laughing.
"It was just one time, my intern year. I was spending a lot of time on her service and she kinda just came onto me, so I went with it. I was an ass back then. But then I met you, and you made me a better man."
"Pfft. Save it." I say, still mostly joking.
"It really didn't mean anything, though. And for the record, I like the name. She was a great teacher and surgeon, and she did just save my wife and baby's life."
"Emerson Addie it is then." I say.
She stirs in my arms and looks up at me with her big bright eyes, making quiet little cooing noises.
"Hello there, my little princess. I'm your mama. I know we had a bit of a scare there, but I'm so happy to meet you."
I put my head on Alex's shoulder and close my eyes, holding tightly onto my little girl and never wanting to let go.

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