Chapter 14 - |Hate At The First Glance|

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It went well.

Akashi appreciatively observed Momoi crush Hinata under a big hug, shortly followed by Ryouta, who jumped over them, and glued them while giggling, ignoring Satsuki's protests.

He watched, as Kise and Hinata bounded once again for the second time in their life, grinning at each other innocently, making their egos encounter one more time so that they could familiarise again.

Hinata forgave Ryouta.

He gave him a second chance.

It was definitely a huge improvement, and for the first time since months, Akashi tasted a bit of the feeling called satisfaction.

Shouyou was slowly reconsidering them, and their approach was a good one, considering the fact that he just hugged back Kise wholeheartedly.

He felt a little stir, and turned his head to meet Tetsuya, who was perfectly calm. His body was straight, and his eyes set on a perfect coldness.

In apparence, only.

Because of course, the Captain knew everything about his team. So he could tell Kuroko was getting inpatient from the faint, tiny twitch his right hand just made.

The passer was found of Shouyou. So naturally, he would love to be at Ryouta's place, right now.

But we couldn't have that now, could we?

So Akashi captured his attention, and threw a simple but clear message.


Kuroko frowned, but didn't say anything, and turned his head at Kise, who was definitely not going to let Shouyou go. Akashi hummed, staring at the blonde small forward's back.

He stared, and stared.

Until he narrowed his eyes slowly.

Then, a second later, Kise shuddered violently, sweat on his face, and straightened up his body, taking Hinata's arms so that he could set him on his feet at the same time. Even though he didn't let go of him, Ryouta's smile continued to shine like in a toothpaste add, making imaginary flowers appear behind his back.

Kuroko's neutrality wasn't a simple thing, you know? The generation of miracles happened to know every expression he hide behind the perfect face he made.

And maybe it was because de that. Maybe he did get off of Hinata because of the insistant stare Tetsuya was giving him.

Hinata, still disoriented, had to blink a few times, before standing on his own, his hand still on Kise's.

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