Jacob will ensure that.
Honestly life was great in this moment. The moon, dancing, it was something out of a fairy tale. Enzo however was being oddly sweet. It's not that I don't like the sweet gesture, it's that I wasn't expecting it.
We were close, but not in a uncomfortable way. And yet at the same time, it was uncomfortable. A knock at the glass door saved me from my thoughts. We drifted away to see Kace with a urgent look on his face, Kodi just behind him with the same expression.
Following them inside and out through the woods, Enzo and I would exchange worried glances. What was so urgent? Why did Kace look scared? Honestly I'm just ready to go home tomorrow and chill for a day or two, but I don't think that's going to happen.
We ended up in the same clearing as the night before. This time, we weren't the only ones here though.
Jake POV
"Jake, he want's to see you in his office. Says a terrible accident just happened." A strong but kind voice calls for me.
"Thanks Clyde," I look up and smile. "Go home early and enjoy your night."Clyde quickly thanked me and left the library. Clyde was probably the sweetest person around me on a daily. He never hurt anyone, and always put everyone before himself. He also raised me more then my own parents, so I was around him more often.
I put down my book "Find Her" by Lisa Gardner. She's my favorite author, her mystery novels being my favorites of her. Hell, this was my third time reading this book.
I left the library and made a quick right. The small hall was decorated with fancy paintings from who knows where. The light fixtures were simple for such a extravagant house. The walls were a faint blue shade with dusty rose accents, something my mother chose before she died.
It was a short walk to his office. Everyone knows who he is, but we all call him by his pronoun, he prefers it that way.
I walked into the office and noticed it immediately, my father dead on the floor. My breath hitched in my throat and I froze. A long slice across his throat confirmed how he died. Blood pooled around his lifeless form. He wasn't killed that long ago his blood was still oozing out.
Long slender nails grabbed my shoulders.
"Such a shame. Your father could've been a great resource to my plan, but he had to mess up."The long nails left my shoulders, I heard the clacking of his shoes hitting the floor. To my right he crouched down to my level. I know he did it, his nails still stained a faint tint of red.
He positioned himself right in front of me. His piercing black eyes could swallow a soul any day, but not mine. One day, I'll watch the life drain from them, he just doesn't know it yet.
"Jacob, I have a job for you."
Kris POV
Kodi found his way to my right side, and Enzo to the left. Kace stood just slightly in front of me, but off towards the left. Past him I was faced with demons. All kinds. Some had blue hair, others green for example.
I felt a little ping in my head, and a second later Kace's voice came through, like he was talking, but looking at him, his mouth never moved.
"If I say run, Kris you run. You get the girls and you go for a swim. Keep them on the far end of the lake, there they can't see or hear, leave K'Dee inside. If I don't tell you to run, don't run. I don't care if Kodi or Enzo tells you to, only run if I tell you to do so."
I wasn't sure if he'd hear but I went for it anyways and complied in my head.
"I can hear." When I looked up I saw his signature smirk, quickly replaced with a glare to the other side of the clearing.
Good to know my thoughts aren't just for me to hear anymore.I looked back up towards the demons. It's strange, this world I mean. One minute I'm happily about to start school, the next I'm standing in front of 20 demons.
"Errith, we don't have to do this. Whatever he told you, it doesn't matter. You know the truth, accept it, not his lies." Kace took a step forward. Who I'm guessing Errith is, did as well.
"Ha! Rezzomon you know very well I can not disobey him. You of all people should know this." Errith retorted back. So Kace is Rezzomon? Okay... then who's Errith as a person?
"Errith please, I would hate to tear those silver eyes out, and make you see it the way you should." Kace threatened. It was now that I took a look at Errith. His eyes were silver, fangs when he spoke. They seem to always be on a demon. He has emerald tattoos that fade into pearl. Two gold lines across his forehead.
"Oh please Rezzomon, you think you can win? We're equal, without help you can't beat me." You could see it in Kace's eyes before he changed, he was pissed.
Turns out Rezzomon and Errith look the exact same. Kace had the emerald tattoos, gold lines, all of it. Why are they basically twins? You would think that something would be different, but no, even in the end their heights were the exact same too.
"Errith don't do this, you know the truth! Why do you believe his lies?" Rezzomon was inching closer, clenching his fists together. He's trying to keep calm but failing fast.
"Here's a question for you then, why did you bring a her, a pathetic little human, to the freak show? Do I need to inform him of your crime?" Errith was testing him, but this time it wasn't Rezzomon who was pissed, it was me.
I was trying to keep my cool, that was until I heard Kace in my head again. "Kris stay mad, change, focus on your anger towards what he said, let Kifera out." So I did as he said, I got mad and she came out.
It kind of shocks me, if all it took was to get mad, why did it never happen before? I didn't have much time to ponder that as my name, well my demon's name was called, from across the clearing.
"Kifera." Errith's voice shook slightly. His gaze on me turned harsh as he turned back to Rezzomon. "You knew all along? Is this why you made sure you ended up in her life?" His tone was wavering between shaky and authoritative.
"I did know, but I didn't put myself in her life, she came into mine." It was a simple answer, but I guess the wrong answer as Errith lunged for Rezzomon.
A light tap on my shoulder grabbed my attention from the fight ahead of me.
"You have to help, Rezzomon and Errith are equal in strength. This fight will go on for hours if you don't join." Kellith was pushing me forward. Why did I have to fight? I was still new to this. Couldn't the bozo's do it?I heard a crack string itself across the field. No doubt it was someone's bone. It was the cry that followed the crack that triggered me. Rezzomon was hurt, and slowly losing. But then again, so was Errith.
I took a few steps forward. How do I even hop into this fight?
The question was answered for me when a Errith was thrown in my direction. I guess what you would consider instincts took over, and I slipped my arm around his neck.
He was struggling for air, not from my hold, but from Rezzomon's hit to the chest. Rezzomon came up and took Errith out of my grasp.
Rezzomon sent a clear message, "Snap his neck. He won't die, but he'll be out for a day or so."
So I did as I was told. It wasn't me actually having to snap his neck that was making it hard to do, it was Errith in my head.
"C'mon Kifera, don't do it. I'm not the enemy here. The demons you sit around all day, they're your enemy."
I gave him a puzzled look, "And what makes you think I'll believe you?" I asked
"You see the rings, all three of us have them, but mine are real, so are yours, Rezzomon, his are fake."
"And I care why?" Sure my tone was harsh, but I really just wanted to go home and he was slowing that down.
"You should always care, otherwise your friends-"
A quick twist of his jaw shut him up really quick. I didn't want to hear his threat, because it would never get that far. I wouldn't allow it.
so hi. I posted later than i wanted but that okie lol. How did you like the three having the rings? any theories? anything else? lol. bai
also here's a little sneak peak into another book im writing.
I'm Gess. My life was a mess. Emphasis on the was. My life was a mess, but it will never be again.
It's been five years since our success.
You see, there was a problem. Earth was shit.
We had a solution. Remove the shit.
Now, whether or not our solution was the best in the end, I'll let you decide. But personally, it was worth it.
Tadah. Idk when but sometime before next year I'll start putting out chapters for my new story :)