Chapter 34

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"Here, sweetheart." Meryl said handing Don a bottle of water as she joined him on the sofa of the private waiting room they were in, while he pushed the stroller with the babies back and forth. "Please drink something."

Don sighed as he took the bottle of water from her, opening it, taking a drink, and then giving it to her so she could drink from it as well. "I shouldn't have made you 3 come. You need to be back at the house resting."

"Made me?" Meryl asked as she cocked her eyebrow at her husband. "Since when do you, husband of mine, make me do ANYTHING?!"

Don was feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. "You are still recovering from a massive concussion, not to mention the pure and utter hell my family has put you through as of late. The babies aren't staying on their schedule. Let's go back to the house, and then I will take a cab or something back up here..."

"You listen to me, Donald Gummer." Meryl pressed her forehead to his, knowing she needed to try to get through to him...AGAIN. "Where you are is where we need to be. Not only that, but this is family. Mike IS my father-in-law, he is your father and he is our children's grandfather. We are NOT going anywhere."

Don nodded as he tucked her hair behind her ear. "If anything were to happen to you or the babies, it would..."

"I feel the same way about you and the babies, but it isn't going to happen." Meryl said assuredly as she ran her fingers over the bruises on his face. "Baby, I need you to do something for me. It is REALLY important."

Don nodded seriously. "Of course. What is it, Darl?"

"Stop carrying all this weight on your shoulders. Not only is not good for you in your healing process, but I HATE what it does to you." Meryl said taking a deep breath. "You have NOT brought any of this on! You are NOT responsible for your family, and you sure as hell aren't responsible for your mother's lawyer. YOU did NOT put Mike in here. Soon, we will find out exactly what is going on. You are the best man in the whole damn world, Donald Gummer, and you love ALL of us more than anything. Just as I do you. And Mike loves you so much. He doesn't blame you, baby. You heard Maggie earlier, and she doesn't. And Larry..."

"Sure as hell doesn't." Larry said walking into the waiting room holding Liz's hand. "Hey, guys."

Meryl could tell by the look on Larry's face that he wanted to talk to Don. "Hey. How about I go get everyone some food?"

"That would be great." Larry nodded at Liz. "They are still running tests, and Dad is resting with Mom right by him."

Don slowly got up. "Baby, you stay here. I will go."

"I'll go with her." Liz said winking at Larry, knowing he wanted to talk to Don. "I could use a walk."

Meryl tenderly kissed Don's lips. "I'll be fine, baby, really. A little walk would do me good. Since the babies are sleeping in the stroller, can they stay with you?"

"Of course." Don said as he pulled money out of his wallet and gave it to her, noticing the look on her face. "Yes, I know you have money, but it's a gesture."

Meryl laughed as she winked at him. "Thanks, handsome. Larry...."

"They are all in good hands, I promise." Larry said as he kissed Liz's cheek and then went to sit next to Don on the couch. Don didn't look up. "You know, I'm a lot like your wife..."

That caused Don to look up at his best friend like he had two heads. "You're sure as hell not as hot as she is. Not by a long shot. She is MUCH easier on the eyes."

"I'm offended, numb nuts." Larry teased. Inside, he was relieved, knowing that he had done what he had set out to do. He had made his best friend laugh at that was the goal. "What I MEANT was, I know you pretty damn well. There was a time when I knew you better than her. This is NOT your fault, brother."

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