A Good Sign...

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          I had told my mom about Yamaguchi's home life, and since she had friends in high places, we got to meet a lawyer the very next day. 

          Yamaguchi and I were getting changed, but he didn't have any other clothes so he just wore one of my hoodies. Freaking hell he looked adorable in purple! To keep it simple, I just wore a green button up short sleeved shirt and some ripped black jeans. 

          "Kei! Tadashi! We're going now!" My mom shouts from down the stairs. I looked back at Yamaguchi, walking up and kissing his forehead. 

          "Well your bruise is enough physical proof. Then we have multiple of those recordings." He nods, taking both of my hands in his. "Yams.. We're gonna get through this, ok? I will personally throw a rock at your dads head if he even lays a hand on you. Got it?" Instead of replying, with words, he kisses my lips, hugging me before heading out of my room and down the stairs. 

          "Our appointment is at 4:30. How about we go to dinner after?" My mom asks, kissing the top of my head. The amount of affection in this household is insane. "Alright, I'll be in the car, hurry up you two." My mom opened the door, but another shadow appeared, overlapping hers. "Oh. Hello sir. Can I help you with something?" 

          "Yes. I was told Tadashi was spending the night. I'd like him home now, he has things he needs to do." I recognized the voice, so I turned around to stare at Yamaguchi. His face had gone blank with fear, his pupils practically the size of a pins needle. 

          "Oh.. Sir, we're not quite done with him just yet. We were about to go out." My mom knew the situation, so she was thankfully trying to get rid of him. 

          "Excuse my rudeness, but he is my child. If you don't give him back, I'll call the police for kidnapping." He states, his voice harsh. 

          "Sir, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You're trespassing on private- Hey! You can't come in here!" I saw the shadow getting closer, but when he was in view, I saw the hatred and anger in his eyes. 

          "Let's go Tadashi. You better be over here in five seconds or you're not going to attend your next volleyball match." Yams waited a few seconds before obeying and walking forward. I grabbed his upper arm, pulling him back behind me. 

         "My mother already told you, but apparently it didn't go through your big stupid head. We're. Not. Done. With. Him. Now get out of my house." I state, clutching Yamaguchi's hands. His father seems to see that, but he just smirked at the sight. I have a bad feeling about this.  

          "I see how it is. So Tadashi, you finally found someone that matches your worth. Surprising. Especially for such a heartless boy." Excuse me.. what? 

          "Sir, you will not talk to my son like that. And what kind of father says that about his own son!? Boys, in the car, now." I put Yamaguchi on the outside of me, blocking him from his dad. Sadly, my attempts didn't protect him enough, for his dad reached right back and grabbed his face, slamming it against the wall. 

          "TADASHI!" I shout, kneeling to the floor next to him, staring at the blueing spot on his head. He had been rammed into the side corner of the cabinet which was extremely sharp since my dog had jumped up and chewed it. "You.." I stood up, fist clenching as hard as it ever had. "What the hell is your problem? You.. MOTHER FUCKER!" I took the hammer from the drawer, shoving it into his balls, then the exact spot on his head the Tadashi had been cut. He fell to the ground, tears spilling from his eyes. "Grow a pair dick head." I picked up Yamaguchi, running my hand over the new forming blood. "You really are an ass hole." 

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