[9]- Another Appointment

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Xisuma sat down and looked at his mom. "Why're we here againnnnnn???"

His mom smiled, but it was strained. "Because, last time we came I talked to the lady after. She said she'd like you to come back."

"Oh." Xisuma said.

His mom nodded, going over the crazy week.

Her son had:

1. Ripped the furniture. Tuesday.

2. Drew on the walls more. Wednesday.

3. Broke all the plates and china. Thursday.

4. Went into the garage and dragged a mini-hatchet across the floor somehow. Friday.

5. Scratched his mom. Saturday.

6. Refused to leave his room because he was with Ex. Sunday.

7. Almost stuck a fork an outlet then tried to get his mom to do it. Monday.

8. Opened the car door while they were driving to see if it would fall off. Tuesday, today. One week from his last appointment.

She sighed and stood up, hearing her sons' name being called.


Her son looked at at his mom with a smile. "That's me!"

Karla nodded. "Yeah it is sweet pea, it is. Let's go back ok?"

She smiled as her son nodded, taking her hand and walking back to Dr. Avery.


The overworked mother sighed, as her son was brought back out. Don't get her wrong! She loved him, yes, but recently the appointments were the only time she got to where she wasn't dealing with Xisumas' misbehavior.

Walking over, she smiled at her son. "How'd it go honey?"

He shrugged and smiled. "I gotta be with Ex and talk to him!"

Ex. That was the reason they were here weren't they?

She pressed out smile for her kid. "That's nice dear."

He nodded and went on taking to someone at his side, probably Ex, when Dr. Avery looked at her.

"Would you mind if we had a word? In private?"

Karla nodded and looked at her kid. "Xisuma sweetie, go wait with your father ok? He's probably asleep but still."

She looked at the worker once her son was with his father. Following the motions to step into the office, she looked around. It had a white wall with all sorts of drawings on it, a little couch, and some children's items and toys laying around in no specific order. She looked at her sons' psychiatrist.

"So what's wrong Dr. Avery?"

"Just call me Avery," She responded. "But I'd like to try a prescription med' for Xisuma."


"Well," Avery started, "Your son.. Has been acting quiet odd with this 'Ex' character."

She nodded along. "And....?"

"Well considering the fact if the headaches and some things that have been said, there is a small chance...."

Oh no... The worried mother bit her bottom lip, fearing the worst. She loved her child and simple wanted a healthy life for him. She glanced at Avery.

"He May have what...?"

"Well," She said, "There's a chance he may be have, in a way, a case of-"


[Words: About 575]

And it was an.... itsy bitsy teensy weenie very cringe chapter-enie! That theee author rushed to post!

Yeah sorry I couldn't find motivation! That's my excuse for lack of everything! But really I've just hit major writers block and uh, yeah. Updates may be delayed but I swear it'll fix itself pretty quick. I'm also just really tired from sleeping between the hours 'sleepless am' to 'getting no sleep pm'. Hope y'all enjoyed or at least didn't cringe a bone outta place!


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