Chapter 27

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I didn't have a lot of time to think before my friends arrived. I ended up inviting Finn, Clay, George, Mega, and Zelkam as to not make it suspicious. They could be here any minute, but I already had a plan for Finn alone. Inviting the others made it harder for me to just hang out with Finn for a few hours, send him home, and when he came across an alley just kidnap him and bring him straight back after smashing his phone on the ground. I didn't want the police finding it odd when Finn goes to my house and suddenly disappears. Part of that is still part of the plan, but I had to deal with the others now too. 

It took me a bit to figure out, but I'll just have them come around at 3pm. We'd play games until 6:30pm, which is when I told everyone except Finn that my mom was making everyone go home. Which would be a lie. Finn would leave around 7pm, and by that time everyone who had been at my house would be gone. He'd start going home and I'd run out the back door, waiting for him to pass an alleyway and knock him out with a brick. Alright listen, I know I knocked out Maya by bashing her head with a metal bar, but think about it this way. If Finn and I were to get put into a ring with no weapons whatsoever, then he'd win. I'd lose so bad, I'd never be able to live it down. If I swung a bag over Finn's head and he punched me at all, I'd back down, and he'd call the police. That would be the end of me (because no one understood). I'd drag his huge ass back to my shed, and -- you know. I'd probably have a little more fun than I did with Maya.

There were loopholes in my plan, though. What if Finn drove a car? What if someone didn't go home until after Finn left? What if I didn't hit him hard enough?  What if he bleeds and the police track him back to me? 

At least I had 5 hours to really think about it. If Finn drove a car- or had someone drive him, I'd just pay for his uber and when he leaves, I'd say I called another uber (I really didn't) and have him walk down the street. 

If I don't hit him over the head hard enough, I'd just do it over and over and over until I had. If he escaped, then I'd make a new plan for another day. Similar for if Finn went home early. I'd try convincing him but if he left, he left. I'd make a new plan. 

If he bleeds and I can't stop the blood from falling, I'd just come back later to clean it up with hydrogen peroxide. With luminol, blood glows under a black-light.

I really didn't have a plan for everything. I'm going off of information I've heard over the last 15 years of my life. It was really scary to think that at any moment, I could possibly be taken from my home, arrested, and Darryl would think bad of me. I'm just doing it to protect us. This is why whenever I was without him I'd worry. In a few years, we could move in with each other. We'd never have to be apart. I didn't want to have a repeat of Maya. I barely got any sleep! That's why, for the rest of the 4 hours that I had, I cleaned out my shed. My dad used to really like woodworking... 7 years ago. The shed hasn't been even touched in months. There were cobwebs everywhere, and dust coated practically everything. The light flickered a lot as I swept the floors and situated the tools. It was a bit crowded, but it was perfect. I'd tie him up, use the shed to put him in while I dug a grave, and kill him when I was ready, not on impulse. I giggled quietly to myself. I'm so smart. 


I clutched my phone as the doorbell rang. I was actually quite nervous today, because no one has ever met my parents. Darryl did. No-- no. Darryl met my parents 10 years ago. We've all changed since then. Vincent met my mother the other day, for the first time! No one would ever meet my dad. Never. Don't ask questions. 

I opened the door to find Mega standing, waiting. He had his usual annoyed face, and I could barely tell he was looking forward to hanging out again. "Oh, it's just you?" I complained playfully, and he punched my arm. "Ow!" I gave a small laugh, "Come on Mega. I'm happy to see you too, come inside." I stepped aside, letting him walk in.

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