Lies of Amortentia

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Ron woke me up this morning. Thankfully. I got breakfast in the Great hall and headed to Potions.

"Hi Harry." Malfoy said. I smiled as I sat down. "Hey Mal- wait did you just call me Harry?" "Uhhh no. You must have imagined it. I called you Potter. Like normal. Man your hair is a mess!" He reached up to my hair and tried to straighten it out with his hands. I grabbed his hands with mine and smirked as he blushed. 

"Today we will be smelling your Amortentia potions. Go ahead and start smelling your potions. Tell the other person and record it." I let go of Malfoy's hands. His face was still blushing as he turned to the cauldron. "So." He said. "What does it smell like to you?" I shifted closer to the cauldron. "I smell pumpkin juice, mint leaves, and nail polish." I lied. I really smelled Malfoy. His hair gel, his cologne, and tomato soup. "What do you smell?" I asked him. "Treacle tart, broomsticks, and lilies" He looked at me, his face red. I sighed. 

"Hello Draco. Potter. Do you mind telling me what or who you smelled in the potion?" Snape said from behind us. "I smelled him." Malfoy said, nodding towards me. "And what did you smell Mr. Potter?" "I smelled pumpkin juice, m-mint leaves, and nail polish." "Oh really? Mr. Potter, would you mind coming to my office after classes today?" "Ok Professor."

~Time skip to lunch~

I started to walk down the corridor with Hermione on my way to the Great Hall to eat lunch. "Potter!" Malfoy called from down the hallway. "Ooh your boyfriends calling Harry." I nudged her with my elbow. "Ok I'll go now." She said and she walked away. 

"Yes Malfoy?" "Oh I-i was just wanting to give you t-this." "You nervous around me, Malfoy? Or are you just wanting me to run my hands through your hair again." "Maybe I'm both?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows. I chuckled. He shoved a box in my hand with a piece of paper attached to it. "What's this?" "Oh its a treacle tart. I know it's your favorite. And the paper is my number." I smiled. "Ok. I'll eat it and text you later, k?" "Ok." I ran to the Great Hall. 

Love Potions, Lies, and Flirting | Drarry| 8th YearWhere stories live. Discover now