Max had an idea, but she needed to talk about it with someone else to be sure it wasn't a stupid idea. She wasn't working today but she still went to her workplace to have an important opinion. She arrived early, because if her idea wasn't stupid, she would begin today. She arrived in the staff room and sat next to Boris who frowned at her.
- "What are you doing here?"
- "I have something to ask you."
- "Okay, I'm scared now!"
- "Don't be stupid, it's not about you. But it's about Jane."
- "Okay, I listen."
- "I want to ask her to live with me," Max said.
- "What!? Already!? You're not even dating!"
- "Oh no, it's not for that! It's just, it's to help her to live again out of the center, to be more independent. I'm almost never at home, and I don't live far from the center, she would still be able to come here for her reeducation. What do you think?"
- "You know that your apartment needs conform to standards, right?" Boris asked.
- "Yes, I know, I did some researches on the standards, I'll buy what I need."
- "Um, okay, but you know-"
- "I know the procedure; I need experts to give me the green light to let me welcome a disabled person. Jane is not moving tomorrow, she will need some time to think about it anyway, I just wanted to know if it was stupid or not," the redhead explained.
- "Okay. Well, talk to her about it, I'm not against the idea."
- "Cool, thank you!"
Max quickly stood and left the room. She was so excited by this idea that she couldn't wait more to ask Jane about it. But what if she said no? What if she was thinking it was a stupid idea? She would certainly think she was a creepy girl who was locking up disabled people to torture them for her own pleasure. No, no, nobody would think that. Well, she hoped. She was thinking too much. She lightly knocked and entered.
- "Hey," Max said.
- "Hey. I thought you were not working today," Jane answered with a sleepy voice.
- "I'm not, but it doesn't mean I can't visit you."
- "Cool," the brunette smiled.
- "I have something to ask you. Um, don't think I'm crazy."
- "I already think you are."
- "Oh, then, I've nothing to lose! I just thought, as you have nowhere to go and that you should try to live normally again, I thought that, maybe, if you agree-"
- "Just go to the point," Jane chuckled.
- "I wanted to know if you would agree to live with me," Max said, fidgeting and looking down. "You don't have to answer now, I need to knock things up to conform the standards today, but if you say no, well, I guess if I become disabled I'll be able to keep living in my apartment! If you think it's stupid, don't say it out loud."
- "I don't think it's stupid, it's're sure you would bear me with you?"
- "Why wouldn't I?" Max frowned with a smile.
- "Because, you don't need more work at home."
- "Don't be an idiot, you're not work! You'll have a nurse with you, me, I'll work on day and then, when I come back at night, the nurse will leave, and we'll just have fun! Don't think you're a burden because you're not. If I ask you this, it's because I want it, okay?"
- "Okay. Cool. I'll think about it."
- "Great. You have time to think about it, I need to be allowed to welcome a disabled person first, and it takes some time so, no pressure."
- "Alright, no pressure," Jane smiled.
Max was glad that Jane wasn't thinking she was crazy. She could see on her face that she was worried, and she couldn't blame her, change was scary, and maybe it was hard for Jane to look to the future, but she had time to think about it, Max would welcome her only when she was ready.
Max asked Will to help her with the things to knock up. She wouldn't finish today, but they could do lots of things already. They went to the hardware store and found everything they needed for now. Max wasn't worried, her building had an elevator big enough to welcome a wheelchair, which was a good thing. The two friends began with the bars on the walls to help Jane to walk if she wanted to.
- "You don't think it would have an impact on your relationship?" Will asked, screwing one of the bars.
- "What do you mean?"
- "I don't know, but maybe you won't bear each other's presence anymore!"
- "I'll be jinxed because of you!"
- "That's not what I want, I mean, you're my friend, and if you're happy with Jane, I'm happy for you. I just hope it will be okay."
- "I hope that too. But we can't know before trying!"
- "You're right. But I'm sure it will be okay."
Max was sure too, but knowing that Will was thinking that too was reassuring her. She was still feeling that bond between Jane and her, and she hoped Jane was feeling it too. They finished to place the bars and stopped for today. Max was very proud, the bars were solids, she was sure the experts would be convinced. It would be a new adventure for them. But now, the trip was approaching, and Max needed to pack her stuff.

Just A Smile
FanfictionSequel of Deep Asleep Don't hesitate to leave comments :D Cover: barbesz (on tumblr)