Season 9 Chapter 9: Captive Audience

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Fade in to the Reds in the Gulch

Lopez: Estos terremotos parecen estar a peornado.

Caption: These earthquakes seem to be getting worse.

Sarge: Good point Lopez. I don't understand what you said, but you presented it in such a confident manner that it must be right.

Grif: Man, that new robot really seems to be fitting in around here.

Simmons: Yeah. I noticed.

Grif: He's pretty popular.

Simmons: Awesome.

Donut: Yeah, even though no-one understands him, people seem to really wanna get past the rough robotic exterior, and get to know the inner Lopez.

Simmons: Sooooo happy for him.

Donut: Me too. Wait, was that sarcastic?

Grif: Yeah dude, I have to admit, that one was off the charts even for my sarcastic meter.

Lopez: He notado un patrón en la activada sísmica.

Caption: I have noticed a pattern in the seismic activity.

Lopez: Se necesita más estudio.

Caption: It needs further study.

Sarge: Ha ha ha ha, oooh, good one Lopez. Man, you are a riot.

Lopez: No, usted no me entiende.

Caption: No, you don't understand me.

Grif: Haheheheha. Man, all that, and the guy's a comedian. God, I wish my sidekick could be funny like that. What's your problem Simmons?

Simmons: What- you don't even know what he said. How could he be funny?

Grif: Whatever, I guess you just had to be there.

Simmons: I was right here!

Lopez: Tengo acceso a los siguientos equipos:

Caption: Stop laughing. I need access to the following equipment:

Lopez: Sismógrafo, Sismógrafo Avanzada...

Caption: Seismograph, Advanced Seismograph...

Sarge: Alright, nice chattin' with you Lopez, now enough jokes. Get back to work polishin' stuff. Stuff's not gonna polish itself, you know?

Lopez: Aquí todo el mundo está en peligro.

Caption: Everyone here is in danger.

Lopez: Tiennes que escuchar me.

Caption: You need to listen to me.

Sarge: Heh heh, well okay, one last joke. But that was it! Now seriously, back to work.

Donut: Hah hah hah, I just got that one too. Boy, he really makes you think.

Grif: It's like he's saying what we're all thinking, but in Spanish.

Simmons: You guys are idiots. I'll show you who's likeable and funny. And who people like.

Simmons walks off

Donut: Huh, what's wrong with Simmons?

Grif: Huh? Eu- I don't care. Hey, Donut- let's go hang out with Lopez.

Donut: Great idea!

Simmons: I'll show them. Yeah I'll show them good.

Cut to the Blues standing outside their base

Red vs Blue (Male OC Insert) [Being heavily overhauled]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora