Words: 3284
Themes: Cute, Pining
Warnings: implied drug use.
>I fucked with the timeline
Song suggestions: Ordinary World by Green DayDoomsday was forever getting closer, creeping only a few steps behind them wherever they went. The clock was always ticking but it appeared that the hands had gotten a little stuck, Five's initial estimate for doomsday had been completely wrong. Something had happened in the timeline that pushed the event further back, but no one knew just how long it had been pushed back for, they didn't know how long it would be until shit hit the fan. It could be years or it could be minutes.
It had been a few months since Five showed up at the door, well, through the door. In that time he had brought back two of his brothers to stay, and being a people pleaser, Elliott couldn't turn them away and welcomed them into his pretty funky home.
It was getting late on a cool saturday evening, the sun had already gone down hours ago, and the building was actually silent for once, Elliott didn't know if he was relieved or concerned. For months there had been not a single moment of silence in the household, and now suddenly there isn't even a creaking floor board or a single curse being muttered under breath. The young man decided to make the most of it anyway, taking a little bit of time for himself for once. He dragged himself from the sofa where he had been napping, his bone popped quietly as he stretched his arms over his head. He had been sleeping on that sofa for so long that he doubted he would ever get the structural integrity of his spine back, but he really couldn't complain since he was the one to offer up his bed and the spare mattress to his unexpected house guests. He groaned a little as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hands, letting himself adjust to the dim lighting in the almost pitch dark room. He shrugged the blanket off of himself and reached for his flannel shirt that he had tossed carefully over the back of the sofa when he was going to sleep earlier, he pulled it over his shoulders and shivered as the cool breeze nipped at his skin. there was something about that evening that felt ethereal, like he was still deep in a dream of some sorts, still curled up on the sofa. Maybe it was the peaceful silence that was only interuppted by a few cars driving past as people started heading home form the late shift at their jobs, or maybe it was the fact that he had just had more sleep than he has had in what feels like centuries. He shrugged off the slightly uneasy feeling that came with the silence and headed to his kitchen, first on the agenda was always coffee, his own blend of coffee made strong enough to kill a god. His footsteps echoed softly through the empty building, his odd socks shuffled along the ground as he move quickly and quietly, too used to being quiet because he knew five will erupt if you interrupt his thinking.
He hissed as he nearly jumped out of his skin, his heart jump started into panic mode as he made it to the doorway only to find that he was not in fact alone. Luther was still here, he had dragged one of the chairs from the small kitchen table over to the window, He had thought that he was alone as well so the sudden exclamation shocked him. He turned around to look at Elliott with a slightly awkward smile
"sorry, did I scare you?"
He asked as if he couldn't see how eli had gone a few shades paler than usual and how his fists were clenched in defence. His heart stopped throwing itself against his ribcage as he saw Luther's smile, he knew that he could trust luther more than the others, at least thats his opinion. they had let their guards down with each other from the moment they met, theres nothing like getting high with a stranger to get to know them better. Eli ran a hand through his slightly messy hair, pushing back as much of it as he could (but a few reluctant strands still fell over his forehead in defiance.) A silent chuckle made his shoulders shake a little, he leaned against the countertop as he looked at luther with a fond gaze.
"I thought i was alone, you were so... quiet for once, no offence"
The last thing he wants is to offend someone who is at least two hundred pounds heavier than him and built with pure muscle, he wouldn't stand a chance if he got angry enough to fight. Luther gave a sombre nodded as he turned his attention back to the window, back to the moon that was shining full and silver in the sky.
"I thought the same thing"
He mused, tapping his fingers gently against the windowsill, occasionally picking off some peeling paint by a leafy plant that he had put there to brighten up the place a little (as per klaus' request.) Elliott looked at him for a moment longer, tilting his head to the side as he admired luther from a distance, he caught himself in thought and quickly brought his head out of the clouds.
He motioned to the window as he went searching for his coffee tin, eventually finding it on the highest shelf, obviously put there to hide it from Five and his coffee addiction. with a small huff he stretched up as far as he could and stood on his tip toes to reach it, managing to knock it down with his fingertips and catch it before it hit the counter top. Luther almost didn't hear the question, he was getting lost in thought about the easier days of his life, he had never felt like he belonged somewhere until he was sent into space alone, He felt like he had purpose there, like he wasn't just sitting around and waiting for the end like a spare part. He sighed deeply and shook his head, rubbing his face with his cold hands
"yeah, no"
He got up from the seat and stretched his arms around his back, Elliott couldn't help but notice that Luther had once again stolen his dressing gown, it looked like a muscle fit cardigan on him. He had given up making any comments on it, since in all honestly he didn't mind it.
"I just... thought I saw something outside"
Luther added as he sauntered over to the countertops where elliott was setting out a mug, He opened one of the top cabinats and took out another mug, he set it down next to Elliott's and smiled at him. Maybe coffee would help him clear his mind. Eli nodded, that alleyway was somehow one of the most interesting parts of the world in his opinion, since it was where the hargreeeves siblings had all appeared and there were often strange characters that would come and go from there.
"did you see anything interesting then?"
He inquired with a slight smile, looking up at Luther with twinkling eyes. He wasn't ready to admit to himself the way that he felt about him, but from the moment he first saw him tumble into that alleyway he has been absolutely infatuated by him. he didnt know if it was just general intrigue or something more, but wahtever it is that it was, it as driving him slightly crazy. Being the himbo that he is, luther hadn't noticed anything, he hadn't realised that elliott always smiles a little wider around him, or checks in on him more than he checks on anyone else that lives there, always making sure that he is doing well. Luther shook his head again, standing with his hands in his pockets as he rocked on his heels and waited on the coffee to finish brewing.
"it was just a weird looking bird"
Eli snorted a little, stifling a laugh by biting his tongue. Luther's brow furrowed as he looked at Eli, he smiled a little as he watched him holding back a laugh, he couldnt help but feel his heart flutter as he saw the joyous gleam in the other mans eyes.
"Is something funny?"
He asked with a nervous chuckled as he stopped rocking on his heels, He swallowed a nervous lump in his throat as he waited for an answer, worried he'd said something stupid. He couldn't stand when people think that he's stupid, he likes to think that he is reasonably smart, he is... was, number one after all. Elliott managed to stop himself from laughing, wiping his eyes a little
"No- I just- bird watching is a weird excuse for whatever you were doing"
He grinned up at luther with a heavy heart
"were you being a peepin' tom? I know someone lives in the appartment across the road, and that you can see their bedroom window from that one there... I caught your brother 'bird watching' last week"
Luthers cheeks went pink from the accusations, shaking his head quickly with a serious face, his lips were pursed into a straight line and his brows were furrowed.
"NO! I would never"
He at least has a little more self respect and respect for those around him than klaus does, lil creep.
"so you were just 'birdwatching' at night?"
elliott mused, pouring the two cups of coffee before going searching for the sugar dish, he had to hide the sugar from that crazy lady that would come and go since she liked swapping out the sugar for salt, not only was it becoming an increasingly more expensive prank, it was a waste of good coffee. He could tell that luther was still disracted by the way his eyes were drifting over to the window every so often, like he was longing for something to change outside of it. He stirred two sugars into his coffee and offered some to luther, who just put his hand over the mug to show he didnt want any. He took the mug and went back over to the window, nodding a quick thanks to elliott, he scooted the chair a little closer to the windowsill. Elliot sighed and shook his head, pushing his coffee a little further back on the counter before opening a drawer and going searching for some keys.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of if you are stargazing"
He shrugged, shoving nearly his whole arm into the cluttered drawer.
"I stargaze"
He gasped a little as he managed to grab ahold of the metal moon keyring that he had clipped onto his keys, he dragged himself away from the drawer and bumped it shut with his hips. He looked at luther for a moment, debating what he was about to offer before deciding that it would be okay if luther knew, he trusts him to not tell any of his other siblings about the exit to the roof.

Umbrella Academy One Shots
FanfictionI write a lot, just not sibling ships. I know they arent technically siblings but it still makes me hella ✨uncomfortable✨. This is where I'll be just messing around with character pairings that I like/find interesting and maybe even posting a few pl...