Ranma 1/2
(Description from: ME!!! XD)
Ranma 1/2 takes place in "modern day" Japan. It's about a father that drags his son to his friends house so he can meet his fiance. That way, their dojo will continue on. But along the way, while studying martial arts, they come across a cursed spring. They say that if you fall into one of the springs, you will turn into whatever drowned in there. The young boy falls into the spring of a young girl while his father falls into the spring of the drowned panda. Whenever they are doused with cold water, they turn into their cursed bodies (the boy turns into the girl and his father turns into the panda). But when doused with hot water, they turn back into their original selves.
OMG I love this one! The boy's name is Ranma. So Ranma's dad will do anything for food and/or money. So while they were studying martial arts, Ranma received many fiance, all which his dad forgot about. LOL right?!?! So he's got one that's like a martial arts cooking type girl. Oh and an insane martial arts rhythmic gymnastics girl that loves the boy side of Ranma but hates the girl. She has a brother that loves the girl side of Ranma and hates the boy side. It's kinda like a lose-lose situation there...
Main characters:
Ranma: young boy who gets the curse of the girl
Akane: Ranma's tom-boy fiance
I don't see any reason to name any more people. They all just keep coming and going. Just a heads up, there's not really a story going along with it.
You can find it on Youtube. Just type in, "Ranma 1/2 ep.1 english." The episodes go pretty far. After the episodes seem to end, there's 12 OVA episodes. There are also 2 movies.
*BONUS: Okay, so farther into the episodes (either it's in the 70s or somewhere in the 100s) there is an episode where a ghost comes along and she has a creepy song. I figured out the lyrics so you don't have to search the internet and not find anything. Enjoy!*
On a lonely street on a dark lonely night,
a thousand needles circling a burning light.
A flower's in the hand that holds the chopsticks.
Beware there may be a few scary tricks.
I am but a messenger who brings the tragic tale,
heed my words you who try to steal my treasure,
for I will haunt you forever and ever.
A young raccoon cried looking at the sky,
up in Kauri mountain.
So take a peek inside,
it can't be denied,
it's here,
where the crane and turtle meet.
I am but a messenger who brings the tragic tale,
heed my words you who try to steal my treasure,
for I will haunt you forever and ever...

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