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"Hi baby," Josh sat down. "I know you probably can't hear me but I love you, I love you so much," He tried stopping the tears like always but suddenly he just couldn't. "It's so hard without you, without your smile or your laugh or your hugs," He broke down. "I need you! Come back! You fucking selfish ass come back to me!" He cried. "Why didn't you talk to me?! Why didn't you let me help you?!! Why?! Just tell me why!"

Noah walked into the room and warped his arms around josh, letting him cry.
"Why couldn't you trust me? Why couldn't I be enough? Why did you feel this was the only way out?" His voice was quieter with every word he spoke. "Why couldn't I see it?" Was the last thing he asked before he couldn't stand anymore.

Noah picked up the crying boy, after hours of just sitting there, and carried him out of the hospital room, hoping that next time they'll come there for good news.


So I forgot it's friday and woke up 4 hours ago just to find out that I can sleep (It's 10:45 am here).

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