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The wind whistled through the trees and snow fell quickly around the hunting party as they rode through the castle courtyard. 

"Merlin!" Arthur called as he hurried inside and out of the cold.

"Coming..." Merlin muttered as he rushed after the prince.

"Pretty good haul, eh Merlin?" Arthur began as Merlin started removing his chainmail. "You know, you should learn to shoot, it would do you good since you don't seem to have any other talents." He teased.

"I just don't see the point in killing innocent creatures." Merlin replied irritably.

"It's all in good fun, don't be such a girl Merlin." Arthur said, the smile leaving his face after Merlin's reply.

Merlin only sighed in response and muttered something about going to get more blankets before quickly leaving the prince's chambers.

Arthur frowned at the door for a moment before a small smile came to his face as a plan began taking form.

                                                                        *   *   *

As short while later Merlin returned with a pile of extra blankets and a steaming mug of coco to find Arthur already in bed.

"You're dressed." Merlin said surprised.

"I am the future king of Camelot, I believe I can get myself ready sometimes." Arthur replied as he took his coco and began drinking it rather fast. 

"Well it is a surprise considering you can be a self-centered prat half the time." Merlin said, a small smile finally making an appearance on his face.

"You know Merlin, I really ought to have you thrown in the stocks, talking to royalty like that." Arthur said, grinning.

Merlin couldn't help grinning back. "How have you managed to finish your coco so quickly?" He asked after prepping the bed and giving Arthur his extra blankets.

"Guess I was cold?" He said uncertainly and Merlin noticed a small blush creeping up his neck. "Come to think of it, I'm still pretty cold..."

"Would you like more blankets then your royal-pratness?" Merlin asked with a smirk.

"No, actually." Arthur began, his face beet red and then to Merlin's absolute shock he said: "Cuddle me, I'm cold." With as much authority as he could muster.

"I- uh...what?" Merlin said frozen where he stood at the side of Arthur's bed.

"You heard me, I am the crowned prince of Camelot and you will do as I say." Arthur said, still rather red in the face.

"Very romantic of you, demanding affection." Merlin teased after a moment.

"Listen Merlin, I don't give a shit about romance, I'm cold. If you're going to make fun of me then go get me more coco while you're at it." Arthur replied while holding up the empty coco cup.

"Woah, there! Let's not be to hasty!" Merlin said quickly.

"Alright then," Arthur said as he placed the cup back on the bedside table before scooting over in bed "come on in then." He said looking up at Merlin expectantly.

"Uh, ok." Merlin said a little awkwardly as he sat down on the bed to remove his boots before climbing into the four poster alongside Arthur. 

                                                                      *   *   *

Merlin awoke the next morning with his arms wrapped around Arthur's waist and Arthur's arm wrapped protectively around him. The prince was still asleep but knowing he'd get in trouble for not completing his duties he began getting up. Only to feel a pair of strong arms wrap around him and pull him back followed by a whine of protest from Arthur. 

"Arthur, we have to get up." He said, a little sadly seeing as he wouldn't mind laying in bed with the prince all day. "You have a knighting ceremony to attend in two hours and training before that."

"Mmph." was the only response Merlin received.

"I don't want to get in trouble and besides, I was just keeping you warm." He said sadly.

Arthur opened his eyes and sat up at that, staring at Merlin. "Why would you think that?" He asked, a little angrily.

"Because you said it yourself, you don't give a shit about romance... I just thought..."

"Listen Merlin, I would never have asked you to stay with me if I didn't like you. I've thought about this since the day I met you, don't be stupid." 

"Really?" Merlin said, perking up.

"Of course, I mean look at what you've done to me! Making me act all cheesy! Come here, you dollophead." He said before pulling him into a kiss, Arthur's hands resting on Merlin's waist and Merlin's hands in Arthur's golden hair. 

Before Merlin knew what was happening Arthur was pushing him down onto the bed and pressing his tounge into Merlin's mouth. A minute later tunics lay abandoned on the floor before a loud knock on the door caused Merlin and Arthur to jump nearly a foot in the air and Merlin to promptly fall off the bed.

"Uh- just a moment!" Arthur yelled as the two of them rushed around attempting to put their clothes back on and smooth their hair.

Arthur coughed before shouting: "Come in!"

Morgana and Gwen entered the room, took one look at Arthur and burst into fits of giggles.

"What?" Arthur asked, looking around wildly.

It took them a moment to calm down before Morgana asked: "Why are you wearing Merlin's shirt?" before they both burst out laughing again.

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